I have an 04 Lightening and its grounded. Everything checks out fine. It was running fine just couple of days ago. I recharged the battery so it is good. All the fuses and relays are good. All the connection seem to be fine. All the lights work fine, too.
When I hit the "run switch" it makes that charging noize with the "check engine" lit for 4 seconds while the ECM is running diagnostics. After that cycle, when I hit the "start button" my baby just sits there doing nothing. I mean no noise what so ever.
Any help will be appreciated.[sad][sad]
When I hit the "run switch" it makes that charging noize with the "check engine" lit for 4 seconds while the ECM is running diagnostics. After that cycle, when I hit the "start button" my baby just sits there doing nothing. I mean no noise what so ever.
Any help will be appreciated.[sad][sad]