November Video Giveaway!! $500 in gear... GO!

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Here's my second submission for the contest, finished it up this afternoon. Video number 2 for day number 2. It has background music so it may get pulled from youtube. If so I'll post again with no music.
This video describes how I made and installed my custom rear LED blinkers.

Theres no point in even trying now. With driftin's video being so good and me going out and buying a camera and only filming and editing within the 2 weeks of the comp being posted i stand no chance. Plus it being my first time editing and filming and dealing with school theres no point.
Here comes my first video got back from nc at 9am few hours of sleep and a send of party for my nephew leaving for kawait. Just finishing the edit and uploading
Ok i have my video done but its to big for youtube so im working on making it a small enough video to fit for youtube then ill upload it. :)
Posted:  03 Nov 2010 01:55 [?]   

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Pass Him Already!!! Lol, nice job RT.
My brother inlaw got away I wasn't sure where the next turn was.
Going to compress it less and up load it agian.
First I need to get my how to edited.
I seen YouTube will take up to a 10 gb movie now.
Here we are. I made a few changes to this video but im not sure if i can upload it in time. so ill put this one on now and change it when i get the the other one uploaded.
Watch it in HD!

Info- As you can see the camera i bought did not handle riding well since it would try to auto focus to much and would always be off, so i just made do with what i could. I went out and bought a camera for this video the day after the contest was posted in the firebolt forum (never left it before then) and started filming and editing... which was about 2 weeks ago.
Driftin said he put 250hours into editing, thats over 10 days, i think mine turned out good for 2 weeks worth of work and the first time i ever shot or edited. Although i do give driftin his well deserved props. :)

Looks like i forgot how to link the video. Dont just add the last part of the url into the youtube brackets? Also im going to pst the link after i know i wont be able to upload my better edited video, theres some problems that irritate me how it is lol.
Loki, sent you a pm.

Otherwise this is the last night to anyone else who wants to get in on a chance to win $500 in gear!
nice one dave...

im out, thought i might be able to squeeze a vid in today but am busy after work... [sad]

good luck to you all who posted vids.
Nice one Dave :p, where did you find those bikes those are probably the coolest Buells I have seen to date :D.

Still some time to enter if anyone else has something to post.

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