Off the wall question

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
Hey guys I know this question is out there but maybe one of you knows. The dept of motor vehicles was no help. Mt grandfather had an old step side ford truck, like in the 70's and sold it in California before he moved up here to montana. He passed away awhile ago and I would really like to find that truck. What would I need to find it? His social security number or the vin of the truck or what? Thanks for your time.
I dont have a clue... but I would think you would need the VIN for sure. I am not sure if there is a tracking system for vehicles like that though...Truck could be anywhere, maybe even wrecked and in the junk yard (then it would not be registered so you would probably have a harder time finding it.)
The dept of motor vehicles wouldnt give me any help because of "privacy laws" they said. What the heck? Thanks guys, I'll try to get a vin# somehow.