Official delta_one Memorial T-Shirt

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Yup he said thank you when I texted him about the shirt and I've asked fo at least a update with no response from him 2 more weeks im disputing the t shirt charge
I texted Kyle today and got a response very quickly. He said he is trying to get out today to ship the remainder of the orders. I am sure he will be on here soon to defend himself.
Man, that's pretty low ! Kyle took on a challenge like this to honor a fallen Bueller and also has a life and a carreer and probably was overwhelmed with the number of request. I wouldn't BY ANY MEANS compare him to Polkijoe. [smirk]

I"ll send you my shirt if it'll make you happy. I just wanted to donate to a good cause.
Lol I'm just saying the no response updates sigh the money went to the family which im proud to be a part of but the money for the shirt is another story which I said my dispute would be for that money didnt go to the family it went to Kyle for the shirt. If I get my shirt great if I don't then I will take initiative and get my money back I said I give it 2 more weeks.
Yup he said thank you when I texted him about the shirt and I've asked fo at least a update with no response from him 2 more weeks im disputing the t shirt charge

Hey, I posted a while back but just so everyone knows, the pay-pal payments for the shirts were made to my pay-pal, I then forwarded the money to him so he could purchase the shirts.

I guess I should have thought about it sooner but all and any disputes opened via Pay-Pal is directed at me ;( that means I will be paying out of pocket for any dispute as I have given him the funds for the shirts.
Got this from him on Tuesday last week via text

Hey man, I haven't had a chance, been at work everyday but I will drop your shirts off asap. Just the past 3 days I've worked 40hrs. I'm exhausted. Got home at 2am this morning and came back at 7am
If you go back to when people first started making disputes I was the first to say I don't think we have anything to worry about he is going to get it done and look where I stand now I've given time I don't care about when my shirt gets here it could be 2 years from now I don't care I just want a update from him directed to me personally.
Just sent and recieved this text just so everyone is on the same page.

My text
What's the scoop on the shirts? I know I am still waiting after you said they would be shipped last Tuesday. Lots of guys getting more than impatient and the back lash will go to mowgoli84 since payment was sent to him for most people. I hate to see a good thing get nasty. I am sure doubts are to if the family got the money raised or if you are just keeping it yourself.

Kyle's response
I'm not keeping the money, I've still got to get the rest of the money from mowgoli as well. I've been more than busy and overwhelmed with work for sometime now. I planned on leaving work early today but that didn't happen. I'm planning on tonight for the shirts.
sorry to say this and no offense to anyone but, this may have killed any other orders for the
Official Delta One Memorial T-Shirt and any extra money going to Arron's family.
I really hope that DOESN'T HAPPEN !

PLEASE dont let that happen!!!

Please send them all right away so that doesn't happen !!
And Please remember Buellers what this was for " money for Arron's family" and a great way to honor a great fellow BUELLER !!!

Please kyle inform us how many of the T-shirts and the colors and sizes left so others that have not ordered can order the rest! those that have ordered some t-shirts get another !!
is everyone concerned more about the money or the t-shirts.if we are really trying to help the family who cares when the t-shirts arrive as long as they get the the family concerned yet?
@anrkizm95...I just want to make sure the family gets my donation and that the project hasn't died.

I'm sure I'll get the shirts at some point, I'd just like to have a time frame. There is no hard feelings on my side, I know life gets overwhelming.