Official delta_one Memorial T-Shirt

Buellxb Forum

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I think we had decided on $20 so that the family got more, also all orders will get the stickers flaya made. Was that price okay with everyone? it will cost atleast $10.50 a shirt including shipping, then take out paypal fees($.90) So, the family will get about $8.60 per shirt. It would be great to sell about 100 of em!
That's good, but maybe take the shipping fee off of each additional shirt that can ship in the same package for the same cost. What do you think?
I will buy the shirt either way,but what happened to the triangle,was that not his thing
We might add on his delta logo on the sleeve as well
Would give it a more Delta 1 touch,even if it was only the sleeve

I for one like the shirt, it looks great, and would also like to see Arron's "DeltaOne" triangle with 1 logo on the shirt some where like the sleeve would be great . but how ever Aubrie decided to do the shirt I will buy it, ...1 black & 1 white.

if it does not get the DeltaOne logo is there any way to it made as a one(or 2) off custom style.and pay a extra fee !!???? and also is it possible to get a sticker or two or three of DeltaOne's logo??

great job [up][up]
Haven't thought about long sleeve since i never wear them. I don't want to charge too much for the shirts, but I also want the most money to go to the family. If we combine shipping costs that would cut into the family's money. IDK, what do you guys think?
$20 for a shirt is still pretty cheap considering that price include shipping! Is it still $25 shipped to Canada? I say keep it at $20 per shirt no matter how many you buy, unless it is a larger quantity.
Keep it simple. Get them done soon. If the family has a demand for long sleeve or what ever do that. I don't think you should fill multiple custom orders unless you want to .....and if you have the time. Thanks for doing this Kyle. You rock!
Keep it simple. Get them done soon.

Worrying about combined shipping becomes a pain in the ass that is why I made the site shirts a fixed price. For some reason no one can figure out what they would owe so just charge one flat rate for the shirt.

$20 is good, so if you want 1=$20 2-$40 3-$60..... Simple

I will be buying two of each shirt color, for myself and BuellChick so if you do start with white see how it goes then if need be do another order for black and go from there[up]
Looks great! If the shipping costs to Europe are less than the shirt itself, I'll buy one.
I would like to see the triangle 1 personally.
We just need to get this done.
When everything is set in stone i will post it up on the west michigan riders forum.
I am sure there a few that will want in on this.
Black is good with me I'll take 2
I need to know how to order. Would like two shirts, black, xl. Also, my wife, two sons and daughter all ride, we need stickers, how to get? Is this local in West Mich? (I would be happy to have an excuse to ride somewhere)
I've always said "KISS" (Keep It Simple Stupid) with that said, it looks great though I do like the delta 1 triangle and would like to see it somewhere but regardless the final design I'm in at what ever the cost.
Order can be placed on the mods site:
Mods Store

An account will be needed on the site to order. We are doing it this way so that we can keep up with the orders more easliy and we that address are verified and shipped to the Mods site address you entered.

(Can a mod add this to the original post please?)
tried to place order, but having problem with site, made it all the way to confirm payment, but then keeps asking me to log in and won't allow me, so not sure if it worked. pm me either way so we can make sure that my order worked.
Same thing here. I tried to order and it kicked me out and asked me to log in, then wouldn't allow me to log in.

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