Man I don't know about that. Those ratchet straps are the same material truck drivers use to secure 40,000+ pounds of freight. I would think they were plenty strong enough to bend a motorcycle fork,frame and anything else you strap down too tightly. I know a guy who uses them straps to pull frames and straighten body work on automobiles.Quote:
my fork is bent... Could this have happened when I strapped it down? Too tight?
no way ...unless you crashed the truck with your bike in it
How the **** did u bend 3/4" steel axle w/o crashing the **** out of it.
No way you could bend a fork by strapping it down too tight. The suspension compresses more and more as you tighten it down, that's it. To use a ratchet strap to bend a fork you'd have to strap it down until it was fully compressed(doubt anyone has ever done that) then keep tightening it until it bends(doubt anyone is strong enough to do that with the minor amount of leverage provided by a strap ratchet).