Oil burn / Crank Breather

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Jun 6, 2007
So I just got my xb12s couple months ago and I ride it a lot. It's my only vehicle; no car what so ever. I can average about 1000 miles a month and plan to take it across the country. Just noticed and read that they tend to guzzle oil, especially the way I ride it. Up to a quart every 1k. Will modifying the stock crank case breather help keep this more manageable and what after market parts would you guys suggest. Thanks for the help!
Ha Ha! yeah, got the gel seat already. looks great! Windshield on the way. But I can't carry 4 quarts of Royal Purple with me to keep pouring in every couple days! Please tell me how to quench the thirst of my bike!
I think you could have another problem my 04 xb12s doesn't use enough to even tell between oil changes . I would have it checked out!!
If you ride it hard or at high speeds, it will use oil. American Sportbike has a catch can set up that will help remedy that.
not at the rate he is talking about !!!! I dont think theres many people ride much harder than i do my buell. Having to carry oil aroud with you for a trip is crazy. I loged 600 miles ion two days on my buell just a few weeks ago and it was all curvy roads no oil burning. he is saying he burns a qt. about every 1000 miles that is not normal!!!!
man i dont have that problem . And I do ride the hell out of the buell I have friends that cant belive it will hang with there track bikes. If my bike used that much oil I would truly sale it!!Thank god mine dont.
If your bike use oil it must go somewhere, start by checking your exhaust outlet. On a normal running engine it should be dry, if you have a lot of oil here you might have to replace the piston rings. Obuesly you would be able to see if the engine is leaking so i assume this is not the case ?
I do not have a Buell,so i can not comment on this particular engine. other source of oil leaving the engine is through the valves, where you have a leakage around the sealing for the Inlet or exhaust valves, again i have not taken apart this engine so it is just from common experiance from other engines.
PS I get my XB12 scg in 2 days...;) in a year i will know every bits from ths bike.

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