Oil Change Intervals...

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
To my knowledge, synthetics last longer than regular oil. And after seeing the oil change interval for some HD's that go 20k miles between oil changes (I know that some automotive oil changes go longer than that) it got me curious as to how many miles everyone goes between oil changes.

I'm running AMSOIL 20W-50 and come from the mindset of oil changes being every 3k miles, however, with the way life is that number is sometimes around 5k miles.
3-3500 miles with mobil 1, good indicator is when the engine noises get noticably louder. The oil isnt worn out, think about the debri, the chemicals and combustion gases that contaminate the oil, that stuff circulates as well and metal/carbon doesnt lubricate very well.
I don't ever go over 2500 miles, and most of the time less depending on the riding. My bike seems to burn oil quickly so I am more conscious of it and change it often.
I'm running Lucas full synthetic. Still try to change the engine oil every 3000 and primary oil every 6000. Not super concered if I end up going over on the miles, as long as I change it before 5000/10,000.
There seems to be this miss information out there from manufactures about how often you should change your oil. I have had customers with new audis come in and say their manual says to change the oil every 7500 miles, and the filter every OTHER oil change. Thats freaking bonkers. I would never go over 5k miles on any vehicle i own. My bike gets full synthetic mobile 1 every 3k miles whether it needs it or not.
I am a Ford tech, Ford does say 10,000,but we recomend no more than 7,500 here. The oil seems very good but no one remembers to rotate in between the oil changes and the edges seem to wear from "exit ramp" speed turns. As for my Buell I go 5000 with Mobil 1 full synthetic and I use a motorcraft filter(can't remember the number right now) I found the filter number off the Hawk site.
On my '96 7.3 Ford diesel (bought new) I change every even 5,000 on the odo...no synthetic...and I'm driving strong at 585,000 mi. I use synthetic on the Uly and change every even 5,000 on the odo.
There seems to be this miss information out there from manufactures about how often you should change your oil. I have had customers with new audis come in and say their manual says to change the oil every 7500 miles

My audi manual says 10,000 mile intervals. Its not misinformation thats what it says. I can take a picture of it if you want. I go about every 5-6k miles. Im also running higher than factory boost levels and might drive it harder than most.
Definitely wasn't looking to start an argument, just curious to see what everyone was doing for mileage between oil changes.
My '86 Silverado I change every 3k-5k miles, but it's also an older vehicle and burns it's share of oil.
Newer vehicles with synthetics are made to run longer between oil changes, but it definitely doesn't hurt to be on the side of caution and change it more frequently than less.
As for the bikes, it's safe to say that we all agree on the 3k-5k mile range.
My audi manual says 10,000 mile intervals. Its not misinformation thats what it says. I can take a picture of it if you want. I go about every 5-6k miles. Im also running higher than factory boost levels and might drive it harder than most
No i know thats what it says. What i meant was your a freaking idiot if you actually follow it. I cant tell you how many times i get people with Audis coming into work saying "my oil light came on and im not due for another 5k miles!" then it takes 4 quarts to top off their 2011 A6 that holds maybe 6 quarts.
Unfortunately I don't get to ride enough to reach any mileage limit in a year :( so I just change it annually. Amsoil 20-50 in both holes. Primary oil comes out looking as clean as the new stuff but as was said...cheap insurance! Do the same for the Mustang and my GTI as well. I'm fortunate to work close to home! ;)
I use my bike as my main mode of transportation, rain or shine, and commute about 15 minutes to work and 15 minutes back. I used to commute 30 minutes one way and then almost an hour coming home.

Currently, my bike is overdue for an oil change, especially since I did a trip to Waco on Thanksgiving weekend and a trip to San Antonio back in January. Hmmm... Maybe that's what I should do this weekend since I have some time...
Mobil1 20/50, in bike for 18 months, about 1100 miles on that oil (Yes I know, not that much!)
This is what Blackstone Labs said when I had the oil analysis done...

ROBERT: You had this oil in your bike for 18 months, but it was still in great shape when you changed it so we think
you can go two years (at least) next time. Universal averages show typical wear levels for this type of engine after about 1,050 miles on the oil. You ran just a few miles less than that, and your wear metals are all at or better than average. A trace of fuel was present, though we don't consider this a problem. Typically fuel comes from idling or low-rpm operation. No water found, and solids are low (see silicon and insolubles). The TBN of 8.3 is strong. Nice.

I ran my truck (5.3l V8) for the exact amount of time, 18 months on Mobil 1 5/30, about 4000 miles. Mostly short trips...
They pretty much said don't do that... and change the oil every 12 months.
My wife's car had about 6000 miles in 5 months on Mobil1 5/30, they said try 8000 next time, all was good.

We did just buy a new car and the dealer said we don't have to change the oil until 5000 miles with no break-in oil change or anything. Bought the car with 5 miles, they said change it at 5000. I couldn't believe that! On a motor that's breaking in?? So at 501 miles I changed it to Mobil1. The factory oil looked like chocolate milk and smelled like motorcycle oil (For those who change their car and bike oil, you know the difference..) very odd.
So In 10 years when we buy another car, I'll be changing the oil at about 100 miles instead :)

One of the big factors in how long you wait to change it is how long the motor is on at a time.
If you do short trips all the time (I'm talking about start the engine let it idle for a few minutes then drive 2 miles and shut it off, you need to change the oil more frequently. If you do nothing but long highway, you can go longer on oil changes. Your oil lasts longer if your engine can get to full operating temp (Oil.. not coolant) so it can burn the condensation and fuel particulates out of your oil (as best as possible). On short trips this will not happen. And it take a lot longer for your oil to get as hot as your coolant. If you've ever had a car that has both oil and coolant temps, you've seen this in action.

But the old rule of every 3k miles.... that's out the window on any synthetic oil today (Unless you do nothing but very short trips)
^On the topic of analysis, just ordered from Amsoil for my pre-season oil change and also ordered an oil analysis kit. Anyone ever use one from them? Which lab do they use? Results? For $25 postage prepaid I figured what the hell.
Every 3k miles for me. Maintenance is an important issue to consider. Keeping your vehicle well maintained is to keep your car from having any serious issues down the road. The engine needs to have clean oil to function properly. The oil change takes a matter of ten to fifteen minutes and does not cost that much to do. You need to make sure to always schedule regular maintenance on your automobile as well, even if it costs you a payday loan. Keep up the maintenance on you car and it should last for years. :)