oil question

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
yeah i just got back from an afternoon ride and noticed more mechanical noise then normal.. So i got home hopped off and was low past the add 150 ml mark. I had a 1000 mile sevice apointment set up for tomorrow but had to cancel dew to work. Then closest day that i should beable to make is the 28th of this month. I got 1130 miles on it now... and wondered if i could just top it off until the 28th or should i just hold off riding it until i get it serviced. And if i go very far over does it affect factory warranty? Oh and what oil can i top it off with since it has factory oil, if thats what you recommend?
measure it again, but ride the bike so it's nice and warm, let it sit for about 10 minutes.

don't measure directly after your ride, cause most of the oil will still be in the engine.
I am due for a service as well, can I just swich to synthetic oil or is it moe complicated?
I am due for a service as well, can I just swich to synthetic oil or is it moe complicated?
no, you can just make the switch, but your system has to be drained as good as possible.
I am due for a service as well, can I just swich to synthetic oil or is it moe complicated?
Its a little more complicated, check the service manual or the Buell web site for the Owners Manual recommendations. Im running Mobile One V twin and Filter.
This is direct from the wed site.
Buell Owners Manual said:
Do not switch lubricant brands indiscriminately because some lubricants interact chemically when mixed. Use of inferior lubricants can damage the engine. (00184a)

Engine oil is a major factor in the performance and service life of the engine. Always use the proper grade of oil for the lowest temperature expected before the next scheduled oil change. Refer to Recommended Engine Oils. Your authorized dealer has the proper oil to suit your requirements.

If it is necessary to add oil and Harley-Davidson oil is not available, use an oil certified for diesel engines. Acceptable diesel engine oil designations include: CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 and CI-4.

The preferred viscosities for the diesel engine oils in descending order are: 20W50, 15W40 and 10W40.

At the first opportunity, see an authorized dealer to change back to 100 percent Harley-Davidson oil.
Of course they are going to push the Harley Oil but some of the aftermarket oils work just as good if not better.
gator, your quote says nothing about changing oil during service.

changing oils during service is not complicated, but you have to drain your system as good as possible.
best solution would be to drain it, fill it up with your new choice, go for a ride and change it again to make sure all old oil is 99% gone.

though i would not recommend changing to a different oil every service.
Yea, I was answering the question about using any type of motor oil for the bike. Regular oil, synthetic or not, my not work well in the twin. So you have to be careful on what you use. Some additives in oil my not protect well and cause premature ware on the motor.
I would be using HD or other recommended vtwin oil, I just moved to a warmer climate to finish my masters program and am looking for ways to protect my engine, thanks for the imput!
Yea, I was answering the question about using any type of motor oil for the bike. Regular oil, synthetic or not, my not work well in the twin. So you have to be careful on what you use. Some additives in oil my not protect well and cause premature ware on the motor.
oki...my bad, it was early :eek: