One Lucky MOFO

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I'd much rather ride on the highway, it's easier to at least know what drivers are "supposed" to do. In town people miss turns, do illegal U turns, slow and stop all of a sudden. The problem here happens when you're in a car too, not looking five to ten cars ahead and driving to fast in traffic. The two second rule would have prevented the lock up.

i get where your coming from. but id much rather get hit in an intersection where speeds are generally slow. i think its a lot easier to watch for people around town even though they come from every direction. people routinely drive 80mph on the highway here and its a dangerous road. ive been driving for close to 8 years and have never been in an accident until last week. i got rear ended on the highway after living here for less than a year. i realize 8 years is not a lot compared to many people on here, but its a record for me.

its not right to dog on the guy for locking up his rear tire. its pretty easy to do and he left himself room to stop. things could have been done differently for sure but in the end the driver behind him should have been in control of their own vehicle.
his first duty as a fiance should be to ditch the bitch. Glad hes alive, But to say hes to blame, not entirely IMO. If i had to guess.. the car behind was txting.. or something stupid and wasnt paying attention.

Everyone else out there, Ride safe and WEAR YOUR GEAR [mad]!
The purpose of some of this discussion is not to “dog” on the rider, but if we can learn from his misfortune, we might be able to prevent (or at least minimize) injury to someone else.

Someone above mentioned “target fixation”. If you are too close to the vehicle ahead, you must stay focused on it, so that you will be able to stop instantly. Part of proper following distance is allowing yourself sufficient time to check your surroundings, look around and check your mirrors; and still be able to stop or change course, if something changes ahead. You should always check your mirrors before applying your brakes, so that you will allow enough time and space to be able to stop not only yourself, but the vehicle behind you.

If you watch carefully, you will see that the rider was only one second behind the vehicle ahead of him, not allowing him the time to properly react.

Lucky, indeed.
that look on his face IS disheartening

if riding a motorcycle is something he really loves and she has respect for him; she should be understanding of his decision.
but she does not; he'll have to choose. and if riding means more to him than she does, she won't stick around long.

it's terrible to have to choose between family and motorcycles.
my folks understand and respectfully disagree with my decision to ride.
my wife loves it and hates it at the same time
from my view of the video he may not have been giving the enough space between himself and the car infront of him but he also had no way out with a truck to the right of him basically up till he was thrown from his bike and the car behind him looks like it made no attempt at slowing down untill it was right on top of him in my opinion it was alot of bad luck and unfortunate circumstances hopefully he rides again when he feels up to it
here is some food for thought.. for the guys who think..

The purpose of some of this discussion is not to “dog” on the rider, but if we can learn from his misfortune, we might be able to prevent (or at least minimize) injury to someone else.
he also had no way out with a truck to the right of him basically up till he was thrown from his bike and the car behind him looks like it made no attempt at slowing down untill it was right on top of him in my opinion it was alot of bad luck and unfortunate circumstances

the average size of a freeway lane is 12-13feet wide
the average car size is 6feet
the average motorcycle is under 3feet with mirrors
so if you do the math he had 3feet on the left of the car(not recommended because of the center divide)and 6feet on the right(i am including the extra 3feet in the lane next to him)
i get where your coming from. but id much rather get hit in an intersection where speeds are generally slow. i think its a lot easier to watch for people around town even though they come from every direction. people routinely drive 80mph on the highway here and its a dangerous road. ive been driving for close to 8 years and have never been in an accident until last week. i got rear ended on the highway after living here for less than a year. i realize 8 years is not a lot compared to many people on here, but its a record for me.
Most accidents are someone making a left hand turn in front of you. Either straight ahead or coming from a side street. It used to be 45%. At least on a divided highway everyone is going the same direction but, yes usually at a higher speed.

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