Only Buell on the road

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I'm in the SF Bay Area south of oakland and there's 3 or 4 in my neighborhood. I regularly see a couple of Lightnings and an M1 (I think).
Now that mines back on the road I hope I get to ride with them instead of just see them pass by.
I was at an event yesterday, probably 1000 + bikes there only one Buell , mine
Mine is the only Buell i've seen on the road down here i south florida. Im Forced to ride with chromed out recliners.
Cant seem to find any body who appreciates street fighter or naked bikes. :D
I dont know I just rode 6500 miles around this country 2 months ago and I saw one uly in northern arizona, right by the grand canyon........ aaaaaaannnnndddd thats it. my 12r was the only buell i saw in 2 weeks in 12 states.
That is the  Beauty of it.

I like having the only one, but it would be nice to have a least one or two more that I could meet up with. I have a buddy with an 1125r but we dont ride too much together anymore. northern illinois
I was on my way to work this morning when I noticed a different looking taillight so I sped up a bit to try to see what it was and ad I get closer I notice the swing arm, "IT'S A BUELL!" I say in my head excitedly. I pull up, wave and give a thumbs up. He is on a blue XT without the bags and looks almost as excited as I am. I got all giddy inside to see another Buell on the road. Is this anybody on the board? I was the fat guy on the cherry bomb red XB9SX.
I've seen more of them in Charlotte than I have in NY, but it's still only a few.

Parked next to a lightning in Birkdale, and got in contact with the owner.
Passed a Uly that was hauling a dog crate (I think) on Oakdale, would like to find the owner since I want to do the same thing.
Was riding down 77 and passed a pickup truck with a Tuber in the back. If the owner reads this, I was the guy on the orange Buell Uly that gave you the big thumbs up!