Osama Bin Laden is dead

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If it Was me that had the sword I would CUT OFF his Head and hold it up.

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probally won't be to popular posting this but too ******* bad....

it's crazy that so many people are happy that CIA asset OBL has been killed, why where they after him again, oh ya that whole 9/11 thing he supposedly he set up.....
Ya right, keep drinking the kool aid, how many people have died (that would be innocent civilians as well as troops), how many billions have been wasted and how many of YOUR rights have taken away to capture or kill this man?

Wake the **** up sheep, it does not matter if he is dead or not, nothing will change, your still up to your eyeballs in wars, your economy is still going down the *******, more American soldiers will die and 'we the people' are still getting bent over and ****** in the ass....
praise be to Baa-Rockstar Obama, guess you can leave Afghanistan now....
Ya I don't buy it that OBL was callin any shots anymore and prob hasn't for a while now.
But at least it is one more gone.

It won't change the price of gas, but its nice to see someone was finally able to take the shot.
Got this quote off my local riding forum I think it speaks volumes

"Im sitting here in silence looking around at people cheering the death of one of America's most wanted enemies for some time. I understand the simple joy of not needing to hunt any longer. Yet I am saddened and give honor to all of those that have given their lives in this pursuit. Don't you dare raise a glass for the death of an outlaw but instead for the lives lost of our heroes."

just some food for thought.

May all my brothers and sisters stay safe on their continuing mission to serve and protect the USA and the rest of the world from the atrocities of such terrorists. And may the families of those affected by the events of 9/11 get some solace in the fact that justice has been served.

Semper Fidelis..

Cpl Wononec, Anthony F. United States Marine Corps
who cares what happened to his body lock and load and get the next in the chain of command. [up] to our past and current service men and woman
his body is dropped in sea... why????
i wanna see the body befor i belive it!
U think they were going to put it on tour around the US or sometin?

no but i think the families from 9/11 the victoms
would like to see the hole in his head.

i believe he is dead but ther is somthing fishy aboud the "dropping in the sea" story
Yep, come on and think. We hunt this guy for 9 years, He is the leader of one of the most dangerous terrorist groups in the world.....and we drop his body in the sea, ya right. He is probibly in an interrorgation room somewhere where he will be for the rest of his life. Imagine the intell he has. How much do you think thats worth? and I could'nt believe Obama's speach, (I) implimented this, (I) directed that. Yadda, Yadda. Ya Obama, you are responcible for the whole operation, Glory to you.:(
i thought american presidents were the leaders of the most dangerous terrorist group.
He is the leader of one of the most dangerous terrorist groups in the world.
it's crazy that so many people are happy that CIA asset OBL has been killed, why where they after him again, oh ya that whole 9/11 thing he supposedly he set up.....
Ya right, keep drinking the kool aid, how many people have died (that would be innocent civilians as well as troops), how many billions have been wasted and how many of YOUR rights have taken away to capture or kill this man?

Wake the **** up sheep, it does not matter if he is dead or not, nothing will change, your still up to your eyeballs in wars, your economy is still going down the *******, more American soldiers will die and 'we the people' are still getting bent over and ****** in the ass....
I'm glad that I don't have to worry about planes flying into buildings in the future. I think that's a good reason to hunt this guy at a large expense.

it's crazy that so many people are happy that CIA asset OBL has been killed, why where they after him again, oh ya that whole 9/11 thing he supposedly he set up.....
Ya right, keep drinking the kool aid, how many people have died (that would be innocent civilians as well as troops), how many billions have been wasted and how many of YOUR rights have taken away to capture or kill this man?

Wake the **** up sheep, it does not matter if he is dead or not, nothing will change, your still up to your eyeballs in wars, your economy is still going down the *******, more American soldiers will die and 'we the people' are still getting bent over and ****** in the ass....
praise be to Baa-Rockstar Obama, guess you can leave Afghanistan now....

"Leave it up to NMA, Taiwan's #1 animated news source (one can only assume), to give you the most accurate retelling of yesterday's events you will ever see.

Judging by all the Jack Daniel's bottles and Four Loko cans on Osama's floor, U.S. forces were tipped off to his whereabouts after neighbors complained that he was hosting an all-night college drinking party.

If only he had turned Mumford & Sons down to a reasonable volume…"
Funny video. I'm pretty sure the pissing happened when he was still breathing, though.
They also forgot the female human shield that was also killed supposedly. Wish I could have seen his face when that didn't work.

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