other than motorcycle winter projects

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its a 1978 Suzuki GS1000S(Wes Cooley edition) with the followign mods:
Ducati 850gt gas tank with welded in Dunstall gascap
2005 GSXR1000 forks
95 Cbr900rr wheels
2004 GSXR radial mount front breaks
Airtech solo seat
complete refab of rear subframe
custom swingarm with dual cantilevered shocks
harley exhaust cans
terrozi rearsets
a whole bunch of other bits and pieces
Nice axlakow.

I'm trying to stay budget friendly and build a fixed gear bicycle out of an old mountain bike for under $100. My GF says my Buell has enough farkles.


a bunch of my bike messenger friends I used to have when I lived in Boston rode fixed gear bikes around all day with no brakes. I tried to ride one and nearly killed myself. Gotta love the fact that you can't stop pedalling no matter how much you might want to!
Some of you would love my son in law and grandson they are heavy into rc cars and copters,as for me I had to hold off on my two projects,one is my old kawasaki, the other is my gmc sierra,the kawasaki will be a cafe bike, the sierra will be slightly hopped up,the bike is already stripped down.
Learned to ride on a Kawasaki LTD 250 which was the first motorcycle I ever bought as a teenager, moved into the LTD 450 during high school... my first taste at belt drives:D
Axlakow, it's pretty flat in WI, but I'm keeping a brake just in case I change my mind after a few rides.
axlakow...the swingarm and frame mod are sweet, nice Buell theme carry on, good job on the seat cowl for the Duc[up]
garyphantom222 my winter project is a KZ650 cafe bike .I saw yours is a KZ550, we will have similar issues and problems because our bikes are similar. We should post updates or find some way to keep track of each others build. I think we should have a separate cafe project section on here where we can post our build pics and solve problems ect. It would be fun to watch other peoples builds whether they are building a Buell or not.
Quote: cavalier roll cage

That just sounds funny...

Quote: geo roll cage

And that even funnier! lol

What engine are you going with? I always thought it'd be cool to get a geo metro LSi model and put an LS1 in it...

well the cavalier was a "hornet" stock car, its beginner dirt track class. The Geo is a Tracker that is going to be my offroad rig. Since i plan on taking my kids out with me i firgured a cage would be a good add on. Runnin the stock 1.6L with homemade exhaust and intake.
My winter will be spent hopefully finishing the engine swap in my F-Body camaro. Pulling the old LT-1 (POS engine) out and dropping in a junkyard LQ9. Got the LQ9 tore down and putting all forged internals in it to handle a pro-charger or supercharger later down the road. Last winter I did a true dual exhaust install on it, that was not fun.
Come on the LT-1 is not a POS, just old....

LQ9....what's engine is that? Truck engine?
Lol, LT-1 is a pretty crappy design. Opti-spark = worst thing ever.

Anywho, yeah the LQ9 I have is out of a 2003 Silverado SS. It's a 6.0 litre, cast iron engine. Perfect contender for power adder :)
Well the LT-1 was pretty good in it's day compared to what else was out lol. Just sucks compared to the LS based engines since they kick ass...

LT-5(and even the LT-4) were amazing in the early nineties, again compared to the competition.
I couldn't agree more with that. My cousin is getting into the LSx scene with a built 454 (machined from a solid block of aluminum by Virginia Speed) that's going in his 89 camaro. LS is the s**t now. I couldn't get a fancy new engine like he did though, so I got my little junkyard LQ9. I've seen them built up though and laying down 9 second quarter mile times with a turbo. I'm pretty excited to get it rolling.
Cool, they are incredible engines the LS's. And even they are "old" now. My buddy has an 01 camaro z28 with the LS1 and he just picked up a short block LS1, and aftermarket LS6 heads CNC ported, aftermarket cam, and some other goodies for a really cheap price. We are going to put it together this december and should be 500+ hp all for less than a couple grand. Definitely good engines.

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