Parasitic Draw not in the fuses

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Sep 17, 2016
Nova Scotia, Canada
Ok, I have a short but it's not in the fuses? I've pulled each fuse 1 x 1 and the draw remains constant with each fuse pulled. What's left? What can be causing this parasitic draw?
08 Firebolt xb12r, this is sort of a continuation of the Buelltooth thread yesterday, but since i've kind of ruled that out now I thought I should post under a new title.

Yeah, I used a 12v test light between the positive post and detached positive cable in series and pulled every fuse and every relay 1 x 1...the light didn't flicker. Stayed lit drawing current the whole time. Nothing on, key not even in the ignition.
I think you need to use a multi meter set to ohms as cooter had described in your previous thread. I don't believe a test light is sensitive enough to indicate a slight current draw. If that were the case the light would be dimming with all fuses connected and brighten once you pulled the fuse from the offending system.
So head out to harber freight and pick up a cheap digital multi meter. It's a worth while investment if you plan on working on your bike.
Plus, you might be able to find a coupon somewhere and get the multi meter for free.
Just did the fuse check with the multimeter instead of the test light. No change as I suspected.

As in my previous test, the test light would have had to have gone out with the fuse pulled in the affected circuit. The light cannot stay lit without the electricity loop being closed. (ie the fuse pulled)

So now my problem is still locating where the short is.

What circuit is not fed to fuse panel?
Do you mean to check the amperage drop with the stator disconnected and then the VR if no change? Are they not connected to the fuse box?

I'll check it anyway. Thanks. ☺
Do you mean to check the amperage drop with the stator disconnected and then the VR if no change? Are they not connected to the fuse box?

I'll check it anyway. Thanks. ☺
your test procedure not the most accurate. do the below which is both accurate and expedient specifically for a 2008 XB:
1-remove seat to access battery. with battery fully charged remove the NEGATIVE cable at the NEGATIVE terminal.
2-with multi-meter set at DC AMPS.....NOT dc volts.....DC it parallel inline between the cable end and the negative battery terminal. check your reading now. anything over approx. 250 milliamps is a parasitic draw.
3-first go to left side front air scoop. you'll see 2 connectors behind it. disconnect both. check reading. any change? if so the draw is in both the VR and/or the stator.
4-if NOT now go to fuse box. remove each relay singularly. keep checking meter. no change? now do the same with each fuse.
5-if the above does not reveal the culprit then with all relays and fuses in place unplug the ecm unit. any change? if so faulty ecm.
I mean...

Any circuit that is not connected by the key switch can cause a key off draw. VR, Stator, ECM... will have the diagram for you to read and see what other circuits there are.

Performing the test, exactly as Lunatic described by checking amperage draw from the battery with the key off... Disconnect the stator and check draw, then disconnect the VR and check draw, disconnect the ECM and check draw, disconnect everything else one at a time that has a path to the battery that you find with your wiring diagram that you get from and well as anything aftermarket
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Hey thanks Cooter, I figured out what you meant (just do the same as the fuse check with the stator and VR) and you were right. The VR was causing the drain... as soon as I disconnected the VR the light went out. New VR today... back in the saddle again. 😉

Thanks again, much appreciated.
Thanks for finishing the thread and not leaving it without a conclusion. This thread will undoubtedly help another bueller and in my opinion is exactly what this forum is meant for. Ride safe and have fun.
Glad you figured it out and posted back what you discovered.

Also, thanks for illustrating another method of testing for a parasitic draw!

All good stuff!
Thanks Cooter,

Figured out what you meant, found the drain right away. Hooked up the test light and disconnected the VR, the light went out immediately. Hooked up a new VR and the light stayed out.

Much appreciated.

