Paying it forward... for the tuber guys.

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Intervention? Probably would not work if everyone at your intervention rode in on bikes.

Kinda like smoking crack in front of a crack head at their intervention.

"You need to get yer **** together man... this lighter is dead you got one?"

I want a number Hogluvr! 5 Buells I am aware of.
I hate to admit it, but I think I have a motorcycle addiction!!

I know what you mean hogluvr, I am always looking for the next "deal" on a Buell. It pisses my wife off to no end! Oh well:p Sorry for the thread hyjack NwRider.
Ha... no worries stang. I cant afford to pay my taxes yet I am eyeballing a bike I cant afford not to buy.


No more tubers in for a freebie?
OK NwRider, I'll put it this way. I didn't post the other 2 Buells because they aren't tubers. :D

Red93stang, exactly! I think it started when my now ex-wife told me if I bought another bike she'd divorce me. Divorced me anyway, might be my way of sticking it back to her?? ;)

Well, at least there's two other guys here who have the same reasoning as me, who need money anyways? [up]
That makes 7 Buells and I know you have some HDs?!?!

YOU SIR NEED HELP.... building some bikes... soooo... ship me the yellow s1? I will treat her real nice... and then abuse her. And then maaaybe return her to you!

Thanks anrkizm... trying to do my part yo.
Here's my 99 X1.The pic is a bit old but still looks the same.Time for new tires and a belt in a few weeks.

Duc.. whats with your header? Nice and shiny! Coated or just lotsa elbo grease?

Nice x1.. yer in the hat sir.

I bet Hogluvr.. so about the yellow s1? Ha.

****Will be drawing names Monday afternoon and shipping Tuesday.

Any other tubers want in?
Gonna draw a name at 5pm Pacific time.

No one else?

Anyone can enter... Just said for the tuber guys cuz its a tuber specific part.

And zee weener eez......


Pm me your address and I will get the mystery prize shipped out to ya!
I'll just tell ya now.


Buell Millennium pegs!

I was curious who all had these but included everyone regardless.

I bought them new and they have been my passenger pegs. Used once before taking them off for good.
PM Sent

Thank you very much... I was just looking at pegs at the local CycleGear last night, glad I didn't buy them.

I will be sure to post up pics after I install them.
I thought they were tube frame only... I didn't mean to exclude any one! No more surprises... Hehe. I found them while my current pegs were on backorder. Soon as they arrive... Tadah... Backorder shipped.

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