Picture Challenge

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That's why your picture didn't count. Was your bike in that fourm pix? Mine was in there.
no my bike wasnt.but if the challenge dosnt follow the rule why should the the post.you still dont get it you should back up and read.same as my response to the 1190 next to a water fall with gloves on the tank i knew it didnt cout and neither did the challenge.it just holds things up for two more weeks.
As long as the bike you own is in the picture it should count. There have been multi bike challenges before that were accepted.
I know six off the top of my head. That's just firebolts, we ride with around twenty other buells. Are you saying you don't know people outside of the forum that ride buells?
^^ I agree - the poster's bike MUST be included in the picture.

And as per rule number 5, I will keep my posts to a minimum and GOduc's challange stands:

1 March 2011

Your firebolt with atleast six other colored firebolts. Challange stands. Cannot have two of the same colored firebolts.
never mind you just dont get.he changed the challenge to meet the rules.[up] ask him and he will explain it to you.
@ anrkizm - was that directed at me? I get it - I saw he changed the challenge. The initial was a far-fetched to say the least.

EDIT: My previous post was directed at 1530 (system time) was directed at buellbee. Twisted's post didn't "show" when I replied because I had loaded the page before his post time.
Ok, im going to clarify all this jazz, just because im sitting at work and bored, and did all the research.

black-translucent amber
red-translucent amber
blue-translecent amber
black-red wheels/red windscreen
black-blue wheels/blue windscreen (2010)
white-blue wheels/blue windscreen
yellow-black wheels (2010)
white-red wheels/red windscreen

My original challenge (had in not been thrown out of proportion) was "a picture with a firebolt of every color ever produced in one picture". So eight color schemes, eight bikes in one picture, none of the same color, NOT SURE WHY THAT SOUNDED SO COMPLICATED, BUT I APOLOGIZE. Someone (I wont name names) thought waaaaaaaaay too far into the deal. But lets just stick with this one.........since its simpler I guess

"Your firebolt with atleast six other colored firebolts. Challange stands. Cannot have two of the same colored firebolts."
kinda only open to bolt owners :(
maybe should go with six different color buells?
this is a buell board not just a firebolt board :)
white, yellow, black, blue, red. Those are the only firebolt colors how do you plan on getting 7? (yours plus 6 of different colors)

"Your firebolt with atleast six other colored firebolts. Challange stands. Cannot have two of the same colored firebolts."
color SCHEMES, not just colors, any on the list. geez, this is kinda getting boring now
I think the Issue is finding people with the colors all in one area that have the time to get together to take this pick. The only time I could see would be a schedualed ride or get together. Im not saying it cant be done, just impratical. I know that the last bike night I attended I could count the Fire bolts in attendnce on 1 finger.......
The dealerships never had that many schemes on hand at any point in time. Your asking to find 7 out of 8 possible combos.
YES 7 out of 8 possible combos, call up your friends, meet some peeps, buellers travel in packs usually, atleast in my area they do, sounds fun if you ask me, thats why i came up with this one
Guys - it doesn't really matter how hard the challange is - mega kudos to the person that can. Not to mention after two weeks it's a mute point anyway as a new challange will need to be made.

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