Picture Challenge

Buellxb Forum

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lmao sorry im a SPITFUCK my bad.i love people that have the same kind of sense of humor as me.[up][up]
Hey an, ya I bought a new buell with my rep points.....wait I can't nevermind. Take them, give them I didn't know they were there until wallsxb said they were there. And I've been on since 07' never needed to look to the right. I mean I didn't know we had ads on that side, lol. Your acting like the kid that stands in the corner screaming "hey look at me, hey look at me", I bet you look there first, then see what people are talking about. Enjoy
...so 6 different colored firebolts eh?? the chances that anyone will complete the challenge is slim... I dont even know if there are 6 firebolts in my city, and if there are....I'm guessing that they arent all different colors.I know of 3 off hand, and they are all black. guess I am out of this one.
I've seen two buells in my area one is a red 1125cr and the other a red lightning and mine so count me out for now lol
i've seen 1 bolt in 2 years and mine isn't one. besides 20 degrees in the morning so mine stays in the garage for a few more weeks :)

best of luck to the bolt owners to get this one.

an equally difficult challege would be a picture of a pink fur covered buell pulling a water skier down a river :)
heck a guy can dream can't he LOL
im new to the forum joined awile ago but i moveed and had to budget which ment no internet. so my ? is are you going to start the pic challange agoin this riding season???
yes, im sure it will come back in full force with warmner weather... for now it seems we just enjoy arguing and messing with each other. To be honest its mostly due to a lack of pictures... (and a bad case of spring fever) ;)
SO my challenge wasn't done and will revert to me tomorrow the 15th right??

^^ I agree - the poster's bike MUST be included in the picture.

And as per rule number 5, I will keep my posts to a minimum and GOduc's challange stands:

1 March 2011
Yeah, like some that actually require riding and something that's actually possible. I think the point of this was to ride, not pick a challenge that nobody can do. You know there's no prize for that GOduc, right? Haha

Yes. Try not to make the next one a waste of 2 weeks. Some of us can actually ride and are looking forward to seeing this thread move again.

Yes. Try not to make the next one a waste of 2 weeks. Some of us can actually ride and are looking forward to seeing this thread move again.

i live in texas man, i ride EVERYDAY, i can ACTUALLY ride
prob could've got this during the summer months, when more buellers are out in numbers,

no biggie, i got the livestock challenge, but wouldnt have a few months ago, b/c they recently put in animals :D

i've seen lots of multiple buell pics around here so, it can be done, just depends when really
Hey GoDuc ! You should of made the challenge a pic of President Obama on a rainbow colored Firebolt not wearing a shirt and smoking a joint ! That would of been easier than the challenge you set !
You should of made the challenge a pic of President Obama on a rainbow colored Firebolt not wearing a shirt and smoking a joint !
Obama, rainbow, joint, no shirt? Probably already happened....but Firebolt? Nah! Buell is to cool for that fool.

I'm a grumpy old man, and I approve of this message

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