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Dec 3, 2010
ok rode bike up to a friends house, ran great. parked it overnight, the next afternoon i went to start it. the lights came on, then as soon as i hit the start button, it clicked and everything shut off. i cycled the key on and off, and the lights flickered, and the relay made a whining sound. the battery was hooked up to jumper cables and it did the same thing. the battery was checked when i got home and everything was fine. i assued it was one of the stat/ignition/keyswitch relays, but it was not. any ideas? something with starter maybe? lost....

(all fuses are ok)
check the connection at the starter it might be loose.also check battery ground and positive connections.if all are good take the start switch contacts.
havent checked your suggestions yet, but i did a short test and it reads 18, removed the ecm fuse and it dropped to 0......bad ecm? or ecm short?
Sounds like a bad battery to me. My old one did the same and tested fully charged but would not crank. Took it to advanced and it tested bad even though it was charged. New battery and problem is gone.
Check and make sure your battery cables are tight. I know it sounds trivial but you never know.
Do what buell05 did. Have your battery load tested. You can do it your self. Just put your multimeter on your battery and try to start your bike. If it drops warranty out the battery. Most have a 2 year, 1 at the least.
Without being there your symptoms you describe do sound like a bad battery. Batteries can do very weird things. I have seen things I would have never guess would be battery related. Could have a bad cell that does't act up all the time. Get it tested like the other guys suggested. It is worth a shot anyway.