Polishing headers...... does this sound right???

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Interesting.  I have never used steel wool on the headers, just various grits of sand paper.  Will it rust even after cleaning off with polish?

Steel wool won't immediately rust the whole pipe or anything like that. But it will leave small rustspots. It's because steel wool is... well steel. It will embed tiny carbon deposits in the stainless and they will rust. The little particals also will clog up around welds, joints and tough to reach spots as well. Same goes for your ss kitchen sink, or ss pots and pans.

You can use stainless wool though.

Cos, that looks great. Nice job.
Here are mine. Not as nice as brightbuell but im happy with them.

These are how they were before I started.


This is after the Scotch Brite pads and LPS lubricant. I don't use WD40


Finished product with 1000 grit sand paper and some aluminum polish