you aren't a mechanical person and got told about doing something worthwhile performance wise about the wide band
Good call considering you have no idea who I am. But since you doubt my abilities and we all know you can run a person through the dirt without any dignity is on you.
We all seen how you tried to scam out Nitto, but we keep quiet about that since you payed him back, yeah after he basically sued you but hey he got his money back. Good on him, but showed who you really where since he had to take it so far.
I see you can polish up some metal and bolt together a motor, but not sure what else you got there yourself???
Pretty sure I mentioned I knew the importance of a wide band over narrow, but even Octo saying it is possible with a narrow cant shut you up.
Pretty sure you just did an engine build but before that I think I remember seeing a wing on your bike..... SO is that more important than performance or is your mind set sky high?
One day I am sure you will drag me down to the 4 billion rep point mark but everyone will know you did it. Then once again you will be the little whiny girl that has to throw a tantrum to get everyone to think you are a big boy.
But hey, I guess since I don't take every word as gospel I am in the wrong.