Potential new bueller needs some help maing a decision

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That frame damage doesn't look like it'd be enough to bug me on the 2005. The whole frame puck didn't even get scraped off. I would think you could cover it up with another, or if nothing else fill it with some bondo, sand it, and paint the whole frame black. As far as the shifter, you could still test ride that. You couldn't shift while you were riding, but there's enough of a stub there to get the bike running in neutral and step on it into first. Then when you're done just shut it off in first, or try to lift it with your shoe. Or but a nut and bolt, and tell the guy you want to drill a hold in it and stick the bolt in. You should be able to shift it that way. If he sounds weird about you drilling a hole into an already broken part, then he probably just doesn't want you to test ride it, and I'd assume he knows something's up. All the rest of the damage sounds completely superficial, and a good excuse to buy some nice levers, mirrors, bars, and turn signals.

All that aside, the 2007 sounds like a much better deal. I'd say go for that one.
Where do you live, by the way? If you don't end up going for that 2005 I'm half interested to check it out myself. Doubtful that it's in my area though.
one item that hasnt been mentioned is that the 05 has 43mm forks iirc. The 03 will have 41mm. not a huge deal but an upgrade none the less.

Id be willing to consider the 05 if i was in your situation. But that 07 sounds like a nice deal. Less than what i bought my 04 with 20k miles for, although mine is a 12.
thanks for the input guys. After i decide which route to go i'll let you know about the others for sure.

just learned today that the 05 has woodcraft rearsets, the left side is bent and he says it physically wont shift without hitting the tranny. it needs to be replaced or bent back into shape if thats even possible.

i just got a divorce, and am using the money i get from pawning my wedding rings to finance this purchase, i figure i deserve to use the money for something fun lol. I have a toy, a twin turbocharged v6 s10 truck that is a project and full of custom parts, swapping from a single turbo to twins. Its got a ways to go and i want something i can enjoy now. i definitely dont want another project which is why if everything looks good on the 07 i have pretty much made my mind up to buy that bike.
That's makes a big difference then, go for the 07. I would've preferred the 05 because I have absolutely no problem with projects if it means I can get a bike with 1000 miles on it for less than $3k, but in your case I'd just grab one I could start riding.
'07 all the way. All the improvements and wrinkles sorted out by then, and with the older, "easier" to program ECM. [up]
well i bought the 07. its in good shape just dirty, needs a lot of cleaning. he gave me a few extra parts for it as well, including an extra tail section that i can chop in my spare time [up]

the owner is a guy that has done a lot of work for buell, commercial/advertising type stuff. this bike was featured in a benelli shotgun commercial with the owner riding it. he says he is good friends with Erik Buell and when i asked him about buell getting axed and EB's plans after the non-compete, he said the EB plans to re-launch a line of bikes with his own company. i asked about bombardier and he said that he was pretty sure EB's was going to do it under his own name, not sure what this means or where he is going to get the motors, but i figured its good news for buell fans out there cause it looks like buell ain't dead yet