Power commander or alike....

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2007
I've heard from most that you need some type of programmer for tuning a bike after installing a new pipe, correct? I would rather not spend 250-300 bucks on something I'll use once...does anyone have or know someones who has a programmer in the upstate sc/western nc area? I'll gladly pay for use of the equiptment, I just don't see it necessary to purchase one for myself.
You don't really have to reprogram for just a new pipe. But I might suggest ECMSPY. It's free to download and you can program yourself. You can also use it to reset your own tps saving you $40 or more every time you do it. TPS should be checked and reset periodically for best performance. It is a powerfull program that if you're not carefull can kill a motor but there are fuel maps out there for pretty much whatever your particular setup is that makes it safe.