Primary Inspection Cover

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Jun 23, 2008
So...Where to begin. I leave work today, walk outside and find my right side passenger peg sitting on my bike seat snapped off...and low and behold my bike isnt quite where i had parked it. Also a note at my gauge panel saying that an old man in 2009 Escalade EXT backed into my bike(hard) got out, stood it up, put the peg on the seat, then drove away. Luckily an eye witness got his plate# and saw the whole thing. oh wait wait thats not all. There is oil dripping out of my primary inspection cover. So 45 minuts later they cops found the guy(he looked 70, and very sorry) we were in the cop shop filling out an accident report. So I just got home and took the inspection cover off, iv never done this before. EACH TORX SCREW I TAKE OFF MORE OIL POURS OUT!!!! I finally get them all off and there is about a quart of Royal purp on the piece of plywood i put under my bike. Now there is no plexyglass/clear cover under the inspection cover, and im guessing because there is a gasket that it IS supposed to be that way. But as iv said Iv never taken the cover off and the manual doesnt say so I dont know. Any help in that area would be grande. Also any ideas why the oil was leaking out of my primary? No shops are opened today, cuzz bike shops are ****** retarted. But ill get it in there in the morning. So I guess my question is Should I put more Royal Purp in, then baby it the 5 blocks to my bike shop tomorrow...or what? Also should there be a clear window under the inspection cover? Minor dmg if the tranny issues work out, shredded left hand grip, and bar end, scratched left mirror, front signal, bent clutch lever, bent shifter, gouged my god damn primary all to ****. all my plastics are good though. Jeebus im pissed, insurance will take care of it all. It was completly that old guys fault and he had full coverage but damn! Oh BTW they cops are charging him with "Hit and Run- Unattended" Cuzz it took me calling the cops with his plate # to find him. Man..any help or just words of consultation would be great, I was gunna go to Canada this weekend, see my shorty, now looks like those planse are prolly out the window. once again.....Jeebus
who the f- would just leave after smashing their car into someones bike like that. take responsibility. i dont know what the penalty for hit and run is, but i hope it is harsh. they should lose their license. it seems u r lucky though someone witnessed it and wrote down the plate #.

is there a deductible you have to pay on the insurance?
thats f*cked up. i hope he gets some serious **** to deal with, did you at least get in a word? what a coward for damaging someones property - accidentally - then taking off hoping to run scott-free. f*ck that.

regarding a plexy cover, no idea what you mean but there is no other parts to that inspection cover but the cover, the three bolts/washers, and the gasket.

as for why the oil was pouring out, that inspection cover should only be opened when the bike is held completely vertical, like on a rear stand for instance. otherwise if its titled over on the side stand, oil can come out.

if you want to top it off again, make sure the bike is completely upright or vertical and add small amounts until the fluid is just touching the gears you can see in there. you only want the oil to just be touching those teeth. (forget the name of that damn part but its clear in there)

sorry to hear, man. hope the rest of the process goes OK. you gonna get the frame checked on his dime too? you dont want any weird handling issues to pop up later on due to something that got a little tweaked. from that EW report, he had some momentum going into it.
Ya, imm head down to the auto store now and pick up some max cycle. I had planned on changing to max cycle on my next oil/primary change but I guess now is as good as ever. Ya the god damned ********* says to me "I had no idea you had to report something like this to the police station" I says "So in your line of thinking its OK to smash someones **** to piece as long as you think you can get away with it?" He chose not to respond, prolly a god damned lawyer. Anyhow I just got off the phone from filing my claim ,the nice Dairyland girl said id be getting a call in the next couple days from an agent. Imma head to the shop and get some oil'n'**** Ill keep ya guys updated...
So im back from the Auto Store, with two quarts of Max cycle. Ill have to wait for my roomie to get off work to do a hot test cuzz i dont have a center stand. I Figure Ill just add a little less than I 'think' drained out, take it for a short stint, come back set the stand on a 2x4 and have my roomie hold it to make sure its straight then check the levels. If you guys see some flaw in that please let me know. Otherwise im going to go ahead with that. then bend my shifter peg, and clutch level back a more suitable position because atm my bike is my only mode and xportation. Ill take it in tomorrow for an estimate and whatever else. What do you think the chances of having insurance pay for a black primary cover are?:D And now is the best time to switch to shorty levers too I guess. and there are some minor scratches on the frame puck, but ill have them check the frame anyway. Man whatta day.
I'm sorry to hear all that. A few weeks back, I came out of a store to find my bike parallel to the curb. I was a bit confused with this situation since I parked it perpendicular to it like always. Needless to say, I spent a good 5-10 minutes looking at my bike and inspecting it for any damage. I was happy to not find anything wrong with it and just figured someone was to lazy to park in a spot a little bit further from the store. So, the decided to get out of their car, take the time to manuver my bike into place, and then park there.... Weird....

I don't know about the insurance and what it will pay for. It should replace everything back to what it was for sure though.
Sorry to hear that glad they caught the guy.
A similar thing happened to me once, I had just gotten to my sister's house, parked the bike in the street, rear tire at the curb, went in used the porcelain facilities, then I heard the alarm, looked out and saw the bike on its side. My Brother-in-law was taking the kids to school, came out of the garage, cut the wheels on the truck and drove right up onto the bike. Bent the shifter, broke the clutch lever, and scarfed up my Piaa 1100x that I use as running lights. At least I knew him, and we have it all on film, I have to did that up it was pretty funny after the fact.
watch out with bending the lever, cause it can break.

also, i would do no work on it at you paid for your own oil, while this could also be payed for by the insurance.
go to a shop, rent a bike, make them write a report that due to clutch lever & shift peg you can no longer ride. give that to your insurance and they will pay for that too and claim it from the guy who ran into your bike.

let them do a full inspection on engine, frame, handlebar (could be bent), etc.
come back set the stand on a 2x4 and have my roomie hold it to make sure its straight then check the levels.

You don't have to do all of that...just have your roomate sit on the bike and hold it straight. Just make sure the fluid level comes to the bottom of the clutch diaphragm. Once you get in there, it will be the small round thing that is nearly even with the bottom of the inspection cover hole. I check mine once every two weeks or so...just make sure you get a few of those gaskets, you never know when they'll blow.
Well, put some fresh Max Cycle in, its still leaking. My shifter got pushed in and gouged the hell outta the Inspection Cover so im guess it either warped it, or where is a problem with the gasket. As for the diagram iv been seeing for what it should look like past that inspection cover, my clutch spring is much lower than shown in the diagram. Everything shifts smooth, there is no grinding/clunking(except the normal clunk from dropping into 1st) It was pretty low after my hot check last night. There was about an ounce of oil under my bike this morning from sitting all night. Ill be taking it into the shop at 9 once they open(hope they got room for me today)
go to a shop, rent a bike

You know that would be damn sweet if there was any place closer than Seattle that rents bikes:(. Im gunna see if they can just bend my stuff back temporarily if they get my primal leak fixed[confused] . But maybe the shop will be nice and let me ride the 1125r for a week, or maybe a Lightning?:D Or maybe the KTM shop across town would let me on a SuperDuke for a week:D Dreams.....dreams
So the techs think the drop warped the primary inspection cover. I bought a new gasket to replace when I get home anyway(in hopes). The cover doesnt look warped but..... Gunna wait till I get all the insurance info as the accident report hasnt been released yet, then put her in the shop. But till then, imma just bend the clutch lever and shifter peg to a more managable position, they're gunna have to get replaced anyway. I acutally found a place that rents bikes and said they'd rent me a Yamaha Raider for $75 a day if I take it for at least two weeks. I just cant picture myself on a cruiser. Anyhow....damn
rather ride a cruiser and not break my buell

So, Slipping the clutch into my garage and the lever snapped. I was quick with the killswitch/brake so no probs. Installed the new gasket, no more leak. Now just to find a clutch level cheap so I dont mind paying for it out of pocket. Im not losing the last few weeks of riding waiting on parts, Ill pay for that.
Well, I got an overnight clutch lever coming in tomorrow. His insurance was pretty happy that id rather have the lever over them paying for a rental. It woulda been cool to change the style up a bit I guess. All James Dean n'**** for a week on that 1900cc raider, it was pretty sweet looking. But they're paying for the overnight charge&Lever, all the oil I bought, estimate, and all dmg+labor. So im pretty stoke to get back on my Buelltch.
You take a hit on the frame/frame puck? Just asking because I have heard of people getting a dent in the frame through the puck, though it has to take a petty amazing hit. Still better that a shot to the naked frame, yah?
really minor scratches on the puck, looks like the bar end and grip took the brunt of the force.
WOW...Just went in to pick up my new lever while on lunch break. so i get in and the parts guy says he'll go back and take a look, because the UPS truck was literally pulling out as I pulled in. Anyhow, as the parts guy is saying that, a salesman says to me "We wont have it for two hours" And I respond with "It takes two hours to check in a clutch lever?" and dude goes off "What makes you so special that we should go back there an dig through 4 boxes of stuff for just you?" so I say "Cuzz thats your god damned job! and I payed $80 yesterday to have $17 levers overnighted and im here to pick up what I payed for" He respond with the two hour line again. So I say" well maybe ill start taking my bike to Spokane for service from now on and order all my parts through BikersTown U.S.A." and the ********* responds "well enjoy the two hour ride" I tell him the two hour ride is an incentive, a ready made excuse to ride my bike. Wel i leave to go get lunch and the PARTS guy calls me and say he checked it in an I can come get it whenever id like. I tell him he just saved that buisness a customer. So...Ya Ill be stopping by after work to have a chat with that salesmans manager, and am still thinking of not going back to that place. But their parts guys and Techs are all really good and helpfull, so I dont wanna let some douche salesman to spoil a good stealership. So! If your ever in Silverdale(Seattle Suburb) or Wenatchee looking to buy a Buell/Harley dont buy **** from Legend of Harley. Good service and parts tho.
I just dropped my bike again yesterday, much less serious then the first time, only broke the brake lever and some scratches. (DAMN SAND)

Was planning on going to Wisconsin this weekend, but no brake=no ride... Called the local Buell dealer, the guy checked stock on my part. Said there was not a single dealer that stocked that part in the United States. WTF is up with that? Seriously! What good is having a bike if you have to wait 2 weeks when something breaks?

I had to buy the damn thing on e-bay and have it overnighted! But on the plus side, I got a clutch and brake lever for 100$ shipped overnight to my door...
That is one of the main things that anger me about having the buell. The only parts they have are ones that will go on harleys as well. Otherwise, you get lucky sometimes, most of the time you have the 7-10 day wait...

Otherwise I love my buell!!!:D
A bunch of pics I took yesterday of the dmg.







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