So over the weekend I went to install a bunch of stuff, mostly cosmetic, but turn signals included. Well I blew a fuse before I realized that I'd need resistors in-line so that my now entirely LED blinker system would work. The fuse didn't effect my one headlight or it's indicator on the dash so I didn't think (until it was too late) that it may have disabled my gas light. Well, it did and so I ran out of fuel twice, once thinking I didn't see the light with the sun, and again later just after I realized that I indeed didn't have a functional gas light. Anyway both times I had to put in 87 octane, the first time it was fresh, the second time it may have been pretty old. After the first fill up it ran just fine, after the second it was backfiring and konked on me several times. Later, I took it to a festival near my house and parked it, someone asked to hear it so I turned it back on, let him hear it rev, and then shut it off. Later when I came to start it, it turned over, backfiring and wouldn't idle, after that I held the throttle wide open by accident thinking like for a carburated engine. Anyway so I figured it's flooded, I pushed it to my aunt's and left it overnight. Came back the next day, would turn over but no firing, just like before I gave up the night before. After a minute the starter wouldn't even turn the engine over so once I got home I left the battery on the charger overnight. It's a brand new battery by the label. I got new plugs, did a plug change, nothing. Then I took a plug out and checked to see spark, nothing. The headlights are strong but the starter won't turn the engine over once again so it's back on the charger. Anyone have any ideas? I've checked all the fuses, they're good. I also noticed a barbed hose connection off the right side of the throttle body facing up, hasn't got a hose on it, I dunno what that's for either.
Thanks for any insight.
Thanks for any insight.