Well I need to replace my steering head bearings asap, what's the quickest way to get a set for my xb? I replaced them roughly 2 years ago or so(less than 10k miles ago) with all balls and they seemed to be great. All of the sudden last ride I noticed at slow speeds the forks would not rotate smooth as glass like before, but they had "flat spots" or it felt "notched" as you turned it. I didn't think much of it as it was minor but today I rode to work and it was amplified about 10x when making slow speed turns. Felt very bad.
I don't know if the all balls just wore out that fast or what the reason is for the sudden issue, but I need to replace asap before the dragon trip. I lifted the bike off the ground and turned the forks with no weight on them(other than it's own weight, wheel/tire/forks/triples/etc) and it felt the same. I tried forcing the wheel up/down and it is not loose at all. I don't really understand what happened?
Anyway, what's the fastest way to get new bearings? Is this something that might be on the shelf somewhere? Thanks in advance.
I don't know if the all balls just wore out that fast or what the reason is for the sudden issue, but I need to replace asap before the dragon trip. I lifted the bike off the ground and turned the forks with no weight on them(other than it's own weight, wheel/tire/forks/triples/etc) and it felt the same. I tried forcing the wheel up/down and it is not loose at all. I don't really understand what happened?
Anyway, what's the fastest way to get new bearings? Is this something that might be on the shelf somewhere? Thanks in advance.