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god help you all if I ever get it though lol. I'm a film student and have a full repetoire of 1920's, 30's 40's and 50's movies... to include the silent ones...
Good reference from a very under-appreciated flick, dave. I, too, had to look it up. Need to watch that one again...
Sorry I wasnt around for the Answer to mine but Austin Powers was wrong.

It is actually from the Goonies, said by Chunk;)

59sec mark[up]

Hmmmmm, Guess its X's turn still. Just make sure the quote is long enough to avoid confusion with other movies.
it's easy to quote a silent movie.... I will right now

yeah, but which movie was it?? too many have the same quote lol... Even in silent films there are words... just typed, not spoken.
Yes Sir you would be correct.

I am watching it right now, not to the end yet, but Jet Li is kicking the cops ***** so it is coming up:D
You don't get it, do you Denise? I used to be legit. In fact, I was too legit. I was too legit to quit. But now I'm not legit. I'm un-legit. And for that reason I must quit.
Good one Butters, That would be from Hot Rod

" It is evil, it is so so evil. It is a bad bad plan that will hurt many people that are good. I think it is great because it is so bad."
I am watching this movie right now Hahaha good ****, I just read this and not 10min later they said it.

I have to search for a picture but it is

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

Well I will just post this shot, LOL
So are you only allowed to answer if you know the quote by heart? (and hoping for people to be fair) I figured El Goog would spoil this game ;)