Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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Grego did you try to piss us gun lovers off by posting those comments while killing people on grand theft auto 5 with the use of a gun that you stole off a drug dealer trying to pick up a hooker at a local church?
I personally LOVE the fact that NY has the strictest gun laws in the country. I feel MUCH safer.

yeah...cuz' we all know that criminals abide by those strict gun laws, right?? smh
Every time someone brings up the "highest prevalence of violent crime/lowest prevalence of gun ownership" relationship, I feel like I need to have a conversation about statistics with them. A very rudimentary understanding of "correlation does not imply causation" makes even the biggest gun ownership proponents question that argument. There are a million confounding variables that likely better explain why metro centers have higher rates of violent crime per capita than their suburban or rural counterparts. It's fear mongering at its very core.

I'm a proud gun owner, too. That's just such a poor argument for why someone should own a gun.
theoctopus is on the money there, everyone knows that 7 of 10 statistics are bull ****!!! :D

btw im also a gun owner, and would own more if my wife didn't "need" a boat!
It`s not the guns that do the killing,It` the pussy gang banger punk **** with no balls,that needs a gun to be bad ass.Should we take his pencils because he can`t spell right.we know its the pencils fault.haha.
I am moving to the walgreens town thats perfect,nothing bad happens there. Perfectville.
From facebook....so not sure if this will work ↓

Every last one of u needs to go watch "the wild one" and thats all im gonna say. None of u have a right to say what u woulda done n either dudes shoes cuz it didnt happen to u and all the scruzzy superman idd bs u can spew out ur keyboard doesnt cut it for me. Go get on ur bike and brake check some well to do young family or fire up ur prius on ur way to find a squid gang. Just start bumpin dudes on ninjas. Until then, keep fishn for them rep points. 2hy out!
and thats all im gonna say

I love when people say that only to then continue blabbering. And while we're on the topic of stupidity, why do these younger folks insist on typing "ur" instead of "your". I see it all the time nowadays. Are you kids really lacking precious time because you're saving the world? "Gee, let me save some time by typing 'ur'. Great, now I can treat another refugee in Darfur."

I just re-read your post. Three more times. And it still doesn't make sense. But then I re-read your screen name. Now it all makes sense.
sprk sprd thats funny as hell because I read it and didn't understand it, but I just blew it off. Now that you pointed out his user name I can't stop laughing. Don't get me wrong maybe he is a pilot and was referring to that, but I doubt it! [up] Also I can't force myself to watch "the wild one"

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