Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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nbc news has an article of the rider that was ran over, he may not ever walk again, sucks...claims of him trying to break up the incident of the rider who stopped in front of the suv and also his driving record in question
claims of him trying to break up the incident of the rider who stopped in front of the suv and also his driving record in question

And without a license to drive or ride, W T F was he even there for? Oh, yeah, right. Break the law. Yep. I do not feel sorry for him one bit. Been there, done that, did my time for my f^ckups. You know what else? I learned my lesson from it.
^^^Sorry, I don't see the balance between being paralyzed and driving while suspended..^^^
I am positive his family (who will now most likely have to care for him for the rest of his life) doesn't either.

A lot of bikers have lived through the transgressions of their youth as you have, some have even been lucky enough to escape unscathed both physically and legally. I wasn't that lucky, while I did fair better than the biker in this video, I have my scars...
I too learned my lessons, but it wasn't the pain, the legal battles, or the medical bills that impacted me the most, I learned what I needed to from the people who stood by and supported me through those years...
Thread jack...

Anyone know what the difference between range rover and land rover is? Is it the same company?

I walked past one of each in a parking lot. I always thought it was the same company but the land rover looked dated and didn't have anything that said range rover on it.

The range rover was newer and real sleek but didn't have anything that said land rover on it?

Just curious :)
I always thought it was Toyota that made them, but looking at the website for them, looks like its Jaguar.

Toyota makes/made the Land Cruiser. They're similar, and when you think of African Safari, both come to mind.

Land Rover has changed hands a few times, being owned by British Leyland, Rover, BMW, Ford, and now Tata Motors.
This whole situation.... Is just dumb, and kinda sick of seeing/hearing about it. I still have not seen anything new that points the blame at just one party.

One thing I do know is I think the media needs to stop hyping it up... If it was a dodge caravan with a lower middle class to poor family in there place we might have only seen the tittle on the bottom of the news ticker, if at all...

I remember a little over a year ago close to the same thing happened in Brazil, just with bicycles.
I remember a little over a year ago close to the same thing happened in Brazil, just with bicycles.

Hmmm, that's interesting. I didn't see where a bicyclist was initially hit and the driver pulled over. I also couldn't make out where the bicyclists swarmed the VW, slashed it's tires, chased it and eventually caught up to it, dragged the driver out, beat him up and slashed his face.

The only part that is "close to the same thing" is that two-wheelers were hit by a four-wheeler. Also, the bicyclists looked to be having a fairly peaceful protest.
You are so right^^^^^^lol.....
If my memory is right the protester did not want to yield to traffic and they blocking the road. Then swarmed the car and hit it with bicycle bumps then the guy got pissed and run through the crowd..... And no the bicycles were not able to catch the car.............
but if they did.......he would have been beat too....shoot even in the video you can see people trying to run after the car....

Some people need to get off their soapboxes.... I never said what happen was right or wrong, I'm a pretty grounded guy and can see it from everyone's point of view....
From a-hole who brake checked him......to the guy who ran them over.... to the guys who chased/beat him down....to the guy who stopped them beating on him.....to the cop who didn't report it.....but...

We are all human and make good and really bad decisions in some situations... and in this case it was the perfect storm.
And honestly this is a isolated incident....trust me there will be a public hanging of someone, more then likely a-hole and he will be made example off.
squidbuellie, LOL as much as you'd like. As you said, you definitely aren't asserting whether it's right or wrong...

Some people need to get off their soapboxes.... I never said what happen was right or wrong, I'm a pretty grounded guy and can see it from everyone's point of view....

But you did take this position...
If I was there I would have beat him.....and if his wife made a noise, I more then likely would have beat her too....the child in the car is unfortunately a victim of a bunch of bad choices made by the father.........lucky enough to only be 5 months old and not being the wiser

beating video clip
I try to really look at everything from different angles... But I can not see where the range rover guy really made a bad decision... He was put in a place where his best decision was a crappy one, but that was forced as far as I can see.

He was being swarmed by people who obviously were not about to shake his hand and give his daughter a basket of flowers.....
Was he supposed to sit and wait for them to slash all his tires and beat out all his windows? Would they then stop?? Or would they continue to beat him and his family in the middle of the highway? Who knows? But being a father with a young daughter I agree 100% with his decision to stomp on the gas.

But the world would be a different place if a ruled it :)
So it turns out multiple police officers were on this ride. Go figure cops were there but did notging . I think only one of the cops has a leg to stand on he was under cover, but didn't report to his supervisor until days later?
The full story changes everything, they showed the rest of video and that group was riding into traffic causing scenes splitting cars with 4wheelers and everything else illegal. I really didn't see one bike obey the law and that's sad, but I saw no buells just douch bags.

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