rear brake line

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Looking at doing the hidden brake mod to my '03 using a bracket made for the stock caliper. Anyone have an idea which brake line would be best, right length with the same banjo?
have you try fit it yet? I believe the stock caliper wont fit between the arm and the wheel???
I believe there is plenty of room for it to fit. The current mock up of the bracket has accounted for it by a step where the caliper mounts to the bracket.
I'm going to assume since you already have a bracket, you found a way to squeeze it in there. You might have an issue because won't the bleeder be on the bottom? Just be a pain bleeding it.

As far as the line, I can't help you with details. But I've had very good results sending my old line to Spiegler in a zip lock baggie with notes on how I want it different. The are pretty quick.

If you could grab an old stock line you could send that to them and still ride until it's done. FWIW it was around 170 bucks for two custom lines, three banjo bolts, two speed bleeders, and a bunch of crush seals. Never asked the per line price but I'd guess around 60~ bucks.
thanks for the info, not an issue with bleeding the brakes, I reverse bleed from the caliper to res.
I bought a full brembo rear brake setup (MC and all) and I ended up using the brembo line. It has a little excess to it, but only enough to give you slack to work with.
I should have mentioned I have an extra Spiegler line. It's the one in the Brembo kit from ASB I am using. Clear tubing over stainless, chrome ends. I needed a shorter one made for the front, so had a new rear made up to match ( just wanted different color).

Its new, never installed. I measured it. 22 3/4" center/center. Same banjo bolt size as stock caliper/master (10mm). If it might work lemme know. I'll sell it cheap.


I did the brembo caliper mod. I bought the caliper and bracket used from someone else and it turned out to be a perfect setup. The bleeder is on top. I sent spiegler a measurement and they custom made me a brake line. Well worth the few extra bucks. Brakes aren't a good place to save $25. And it looks clean and nice.