Watching the races, you see the rear wheel slide/lock up frequently before entering a hard turn.
Not one to ride long distances on my bike, but after a 40 mile ride at over 80 mph most of the way, I came into a city street with a little juice, not more than normal and sure enough the rear tire started to slide all over like a wet banana peel.
Not much pressure on rear brake even.
Do tires become more prone to sliding after a long, fast ride?
It could have been an oil patch, I'm going to go back and look.
by the way, I have a virtually new diablo on the rear.
Not one to ride long distances on my bike, but after a 40 mile ride at over 80 mph most of the way, I came into a city street with a little juice, not more than normal and sure enough the rear tire started to slide all over like a wet banana peel.
Not much pressure on rear brake even.
Do tires become more prone to sliding after a long, fast ride?
It could have been an oil patch, I'm going to go back and look.
by the way, I have a virtually new diablo on the rear.