rear tires worn-out means $$$$$$ out the window

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Sep 27, 2011
It just keeps coming, first; $$$ for the XB12R, then $$$$ for the insurance, then $$$$, for the safety gears, now the $$$$$ for the upkeep... Rear tire has reached the end of it's usefull service. It's worn-out that needs to be replaced... looking for a tire that's gonna give me longer service life for my type of driving condition... lots of straight line....
Look for dual-compound tires. They're made with harder rubber in the middle for slabbing, softer rubber on the sides for carving. It'll give you traction in the corners and longer use between tire changes.
Mine came with the Dunlop Q (not the Q2)on the rear and I wore it down in a month of commuting, the front had a Dunlop Roadsmart and it held up awesome, so I threw one of those on the back as well.
Michelin Pilot Power 2CT are the sexist tires ever!!! I love the shape of this tire. I want to **** it. Or maybe just rub one out all over it. This is for sure my next rear tire. I do a lot of city to county HWY riding, so the dual compound would work great for me, plus then when i hit the twistys i will have that little bit of extra grip to keep me on the road. But because i do a lot of HWY its nice to keep from burning out the middle of my tire. [up][up][up]:D

My pilot power 2ct is starting to get a flat spot in the middle, got about 2k miles. I need to get on more twisty roads haha.
+1 on the Michelin Pilot Power 2ct's

I don't know if I get as excited as brightbuell but I just got back from the track and yes they are awesome!
Nice and grippy and the shape of them dips you right into the corners.

People usually get around 8-10k out of 'em.

first are not "money out the window". if it is that big a deal, you shoulda thought about that before you bought the bike.
second....the single most important piece of performance equipment on your bike is your tires. if you are going to spend money on anything, tires is the best place to focus. get the best tire you can afford.
Oh yea, i forgot to say BOOHOO!!!!!! Do you realize we have one of the funnest rides on the planet??????????? And you are complaining about having to maintain it???????? What???????? I know of at least 20 people who would gladly take your maintenance problem off your hands this second just hand me your keys:D Every time i get on my Buell its money well spent!!!!!! That's why we keep spending money on mods even though we don't really need too. We love too, but i can tell by your tail reflector you probably don't have any mods. No offence! You don't have to have mods to love your bike im just saying.
Many thanks BUELLers!!!appreciate the info... n yepp bike is not cheap just whining for the sake of whining...LOL... just ordered a SHINKO 009 Raven... multiple customer reviews showed almost no CONS... service life varies between 8-22K and all around grip is pretty good as well. Upgraded from standard size to 200/50/17... I removed the belt guards for width clearance... I will post pics once installed... :D
let us know how you like them. i dont know anything about them and i am always interested in hearing other people's experience.
I think others will chime in and tell you that you need to cancel that order and get the stock size. or maybe a 190/50/17 if you just have to have a wider rear. That 200/50 will probably give you less surface contact from bowing out to fit the rim. I'm not for sure though...
yeah, i missed the size change in that post... you will definately lose handling performance. [down]
I have the same shinkos for about 4k mls already and can't say anything bad about them especially for the price. It's a solid tire for everyday use - highway and city riding. I'm not sure how it would perform under extreme conditions like track day but for cruising around with some twisties here and there these are the way to go. I would keep the stock size though.
+1 on the Michelin Pilot Power 2ct's

I don't know if I get as excited as brightbuell but I just got back from the track and yes they are awesome!
Nice and grippy and the shape of them dips you right into the corners. 

People usually get around 8-10k out of 'em.

WHAT?!?!?! I GET 5k MAX. 3,500 on the last rear. It was not an old tire either... [mad]