removing the frame pucks?

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
one of the only pieces of literature I've tossed out for my bike was the stuff that came with the frame pucks, can someone help me out, I think I remember directions for removal on there...I need to remove one.
Are you replacing it? It's as easy as getting a corner started and just pulling, working your way across. They come off pretty easily.

Before you peel the back off the new one, set it on there and trace around it with a pencil. Then use the primer stick and rub it all over the outlined area and let it sit. Finally, remove the backing and put the puck on, working it on from one corner.
I use a length of dental floss - slide it under one edge and holding both ends of the floss pull the floss all the way under the puck and out the other side...

Get one corner started and dribble a little rubbing alchohol between, keep doing that and it will pop right off.