Roof Boxer Helmet???

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I've been riding on military bases for years now with a non-dot helmet and they've never looked twice. Same for being pulled over, it's happened a few times...cops never said anything. I think as long as it looks like a legitimate helmet and not some novelty helmet your chances of someone giving you any trouble is pretty slim.

Those helmet both look good, but there is no way I would give up the rear view mirror built into my helmet...:D
the truth is, there's only 19 states that even require a helmet in the first place... I don't think the certifications of a helmet are top priory.

Also, food for thought, MotoGP uses ECE helmets, not Snell.

The only time I've ever had someone check my helmet certifications was at auto-cross races.
Ive been pulled over and the trooper wanted to give me s break so instead of getting a 115 in a 55 i pointed out my helmet wasnt dot. He said oh i would have never known. The judge threw out the ticket, sur charge was all i had to pay $45 not bad for 65 over!
What now?

The cop gave you a ticket for a non-DOT helmet instead of speeding. Then he let you ride off with a non-DOT helmet?

I'd say it'd get thrown out. The cop should have had your bike towed and someone come pick you up. Legally the cop is not supposed to let you go with "illegal" equipment (if a helmet is required in your state)
^ Im not sure if it was my devilishly good looks, my school boy physique or that im driving the raddest bike he'd ever seen!

In all honesty he only pulled us over because he thought we were running from him. When we stopped and he realised we had no clue he was following us he was just happy we stopped instead of made a run for it. Im pretty sure he didnd have his radar on either , just knew how fast he was going and not catching up. I did expect him to have the bikes impounded when we first got pulled over aswell. Was a humbling expereince for sure , I sure got lucky but point being he never would have checked for DOT untill i pointed it out and even after he did not care. I have several cop freinds and they all have said they wouldnt have checked or even cared to write that ticket and yeah its a helmet law state.
Not a fan of the no chin bar, just in case. Whole bottom of it seems novelty. I have the Nexx X-30 and love it. Cheaper than $500 too. Wind and noise kinda suck though.
Im pretty sure my scrawney necks gonna snap before the chin bar opens ,unless i forget to snap it. Also as you can see in the picture why i am so concerned about the pressious cargo i carry inside such a bucket.
the more I look at it... I really kinda like it myself. Definitely better than my plain flat black HJC.

And, I saw the Devil Orange one, now I really like them.

The one reason I won't buy one... I can't try it on.
Also as you can see in the picture why i am so concerned about the pressious cargo i carry inside such a bucket.

I thought that was what happens when you wreck without a helmet!
Maybe ive no idea who else the pizza deliveryman was bangin! Do you to share the same dove head first in the shallow end of the gene pool good looks?Oh and had to add a rep point as i almost shot beer out my nose at the related crack.

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