Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again. Please.I simply can not bring myself to rock a sticker with his initials on it, especially if its in the company of others who we've lost that stood heads and tails above the rest.
Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again. Please.
There is NOTHING wrong with BuddBuells statement! I agree with him 110%, it's terrible the kid passed but seeing his character traits on his post by calling people names, putting people down and making a horrible PM to oh9bolt just because people asked him for proof of his mods, it shows what is personality really was. While i disliked rrh I NEVER would have wished this on him BUT his arrogance is what cost him his life. Delta 1 passed in a terrible car crash, Porcelain Rabbit and his girlfriend passed ( both teenagers) in a terrible crash with a car, rrh, stunting / whheeling at high speeds. ALL of it sad, but i wouldn't rock a decal in rrh's honor either ! LET THE WALLSXB BASHING BEGIN. [smirk]Quote:
I simply can not bring myself to rock a sticker with his initials on it, especially if its in the company of others who we've lost that stood heads and tails above the rest.
Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again. Please.
Quote: Quote:
I simply can not bring myself to rock a sticker with his initials on it, especially if its in the company of others who we've lost that stood heads and tails above the rest.
Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again. Please.
There is NOTHING wrong with BuddBuells statement! I agree with him 110%, it's terrible the kid passed but seeing his character traits on his post by calling people names, putting people down and making a horrible PM to oh9bolt just because people asked him for proof of his mods, it shows what is personality really was. While i disliked rrh I NEVER would have wished this on him BUT his arrogance is what cost him his life. Delta 1 passed in a terrible car crash, Porcelain Rabbit and his girlfriend passed ( both teenagers) in a terrible crash with a car, rrh, stunting / whheeling at high speeds. ALL of it sad, but i wouldn't rock a decal in rrh's honor either ! LET THE WALLSXB BASHING BEGIN.