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I like Levi's RRH and PR stickers. They are both uniform, simple, and to the point.
I really like MAGIC's Idea for Porcalin Rabits sticker. The way I see it is Indevidual stickers should be saved for those that stood head and shoulders above the rest. Not that rrh481 shouldnt be remembered but I feel he fell into the group that could be represented as a collective with the "RIP BuellXB.com Fallen" sticker. I know this opens a can of worms as to who is worthy or their own sticker, but this can be decided by a poll thats open for 1 week in which every one will post once and only once a YAY or NAY. any one who post more than once forfits their vote.
I simply can not bring myself to rock a sticker with his initials on it, especially if its in the company of others who we've lost that stood heads and tails above the rest.
Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again. Please.
I think if we are doing individual stickers, everyone should get their own. If you don't like the guy, don't wear his sticker.

It makes me sick that we have gotten down to the point where we are ranking people on this forum, even after they have passed riding on the very bike that brought us all together. You don't have to respect him in life when he can defend himself, but let's give the kid some respect in death, at least. It's just a sticker - if you really feel like someone isn't worth remembering, don't buy his sticker. That was you won't even have to have a "RIP BuellXB Riders" sticker to remind you of him.
I think this thread should go to only the memory of rrh481 and not combine any others with him, make a new thread for the other fallen riders and make a decision.

With that said post up the ideas you have for the finalized sticker again levi and we should have a vote or have people just say which one of the designs of rrh481 you make and we pick which one we want.

What have a couple designs to choose form if you want just rrh or rrh481,

I would Rock Magic's Porcelain Rabbit and Delta 1's D1 and I like the RRH on Levi's but lets make it lower case like his SN. I like the three different stickers also, show there individualality (Spelling/Grammer sucks) Plus it's easier to put individual stickers in the places you want/like them
I simply can not bring myself to rock a sticker with his initials on it, especially if its in the company of others who we've lost that stood heads and tails above the rest.
Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again.  Please.
There is NOTHING wrong with BuddBuells statement! I agree with him 110%, it's terrible the kid passed but seeing his character traits on his post by calling people names, putting people down and making a horrible PM to oh9bolt just because people asked him for proof of his mods, it shows what is personality really was. While i disliked rrh I NEVER would have wished this on him BUT his arrogance is what cost him his life. Delta 1 passed in a terrible car crash, Porcelain Rabbit and his girlfriend passed ( both teenagers) in a terrible crash with a car, rrh, stunting / whheeling at high speeds. ALL of it sad, but i wouldn't rock a decal in rrh's honor either ! LET THE WALLSXB BASHING BEGIN. [smirk]
I appreciate everyone's candid responses, and opinions. Here is my .02, and you can take it for what it is worth.

While we were all brought together by a unique motorcycle we all have a passion for, I'm sure some of us (myself included) have said some things that one or more of us did not agree with. That being said, I would not show any different respect to any other of my "comrades in Buell" having passed, whether it be accidental or otherwise. If we start excluding people who took their time to offer their opinions and be a member of our forum, what makes us any better than the other bike forums that other of us have complained about. The one thing I admire about this forum, and the reason I am not a member of others is, we all have respect for each other, not matter the others' way of life. Most of us did not know our fallen personally, but I would still honor them as a fellow member of our community.

I appreciate the views some have of rrh, but the fact is, we are better as a community than to have this petty discussion. I would think we could do wih a generic graphic that would not need to be added to. That way, we could rock it, and when asked about it, we could each tell our individual stories...no judgements.
Quote: Quote:
I simply can not bring myself to rock a sticker with his initials on it, especially if its in the company of others who we've lost that stood heads and tails above the rest.
Out of Respect to his Friends/Family who could view this thread at any moment - let's not start down this route again. Please.

There is NOTHING wrong with BuddBuells statement! I agree with him 110%, it's terrible the kid passed but seeing his character traits on his post by calling people names, putting people down and making a horrible PM to oh9bolt just because people asked him for proof of his mods, it shows what is personality really was. While i disliked rrh I NEVER would have wished this on him BUT his arrogance is what cost him his life. Delta 1 passed in a terrible car crash, Porcelain Rabbit and his girlfriend passed ( both teenagers) in a terrible crash with a car, rrh, stunting / whheeling at high speeds. ALL of it sad, but i wouldn't rock a decal in rrh's honor either ! LET THE WALLSXB BASHING BEGIN.

Guys, I made a thread for this discussion.

Sticker Thread

Let's take this conversation there out of respect for rrh and the his loved ones that might view this forum/thread.
One of the reasons I like my D1 shirt is that it doesn't say RIP with dates and such (well not real big and obtrusive). When people ask me about it and I tell them what it means. When I see someone with a RIP shirt I've never gone up to the wearer and asked "How did so and so die". Once I tell what the big D1 on front and his motto on the back means, people are real impressed.

Just my $.02 :)
not trying to bash rrh, nor am I trying to cause pain for anyone close to him, far from it...
just expressing my opinion on how I feel aboot dedicating a sticker to a fallen rider with questionable riding habits...(I see your points aboot it being a reminder but that **** won't fly for me)

from what some of you have said is that due to us all riding Buells we belong to a brotherhood, totally agree but if Joe Blow rides a Buell but is a squid, beats his wife, kids and dog then dies being a squid or some other mishap by that reasoning I should honour him cause he rode a Buell....

I think not!

Thats all I have to say on this.
i agree with buddha and walls. hated seeing it happen to the kid, but he totally did it to himself. despite folks here trying to prevent it; even when he went so far as to wish death on members here.

how people behave matters, and i dont say nothing online i wouldnt say to someone's face. if rrh woulda been showed a tad bit of humility, he would probably be alive right now.
i cant agree more on that last part but being 21 myself i have made some dumb decisions and said some really dumb stuff but hey im 21... i for one can suck up my pride and say i was in the wrong, rrh might not have had the same life as me.. that does not make me or you better then him. you guys never gave him a chance to say sorry, it might not have heppened right off the bat but i bet if he was here today he might take a second look on his life style and how he treated others. i understand your anger but he was just 20 man. the kid never had a chance to grow up all the way and see life in a bigger picture like most of you have, this isnt about who was right or wrong its about a fellow rider, squid or not losing his life. there is no turning back after that.. so just suck up your hurt feeling and drop that he ever dissrespected us and be the bigger man.

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