I realize this is off topic, but you guys knows everything.
My fiancee and I are starting to look at another car to get once we get married in August. She just landed a solid job, and I am expecting a promotion at the end of June. We aren't buying right now, but I want to start looking and narrowing down on what we are looking at. i want something sporty, but with enough room in it to enjoy it, and that will have enough weight and what-not to handle winter. I am not a Ford guy, but the Mustang has really been growing on me. I like that it's not tiny like a 350Z, can handle winters (i have heard) with good snow tires, decent gas mileage (V6), etc.
What can you guys tell me about them? I know a lot of you love Suburus and I think they make a solid car and the AWD is sick, but I just can't stand Suburu from a looks standpoint.
Anyway, I am just rambling. We have around 10k to spend. And I want the 05+ mustangs.
My fiancee and I are starting to look at another car to get once we get married in August. She just landed a solid job, and I am expecting a promotion at the end of June. We aren't buying right now, but I want to start looking and narrowing down on what we are looking at. i want something sporty, but with enough room in it to enjoy it, and that will have enough weight and what-not to handle winter. I am not a Ford guy, but the Mustang has really been growing on me. I like that it's not tiny like a 350Z, can handle winters (i have heard) with good snow tires, decent gas mileage (V6), etc.
What can you guys tell me about them? I know a lot of you love Suburus and I think they make a solid car and the AWD is sick, but I just can't stand Suburu from a looks standpoint.
Anyway, I am just rambling. We have around 10k to spend. And I want the 05+ mustangs.