?Sea Foam?

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2010
Mid-Coast, Maine
Anyone here using sea foam in their gas or oil? Gas up here in Maine might as well be water if you ask me. That ethanol **** really sucks and the gas is no cheaper because of it. I heard you can still buy the good old stuff down south, any truth to that.
use sea foam every day in diesels,use the chevron techron in gas.texas we still have 94 oct with no ethanol.
Has/does anyone run seafoam in the crankcase? I'm about to seafoam the bike before my next oil change later this week and want to know if I should be ok, running it in there for ~50-75 miles.
Plain and simple, Sea Foam rocks! 4 Ounces every other tankful does the trick quite nicely.