Sealing the leaks on the Jardine can

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2016
Santa Cruz Mountains
Like the title says, I am looking for tips and tricks to get a good seal where the can slips on to the header adapter. I used the high temp copper RTV and let it sit for over 24 hours. Fired up the bike and I still have a small leak. Not as bad as before, but still noticeable and getting pops and a few backfires.

I also found that the PO used a spacer on the muffler hanger that allowed the muffler to move around. I removed the spacer while I was trying to seal the connection and the hanger is now tight around the end of the can where the rivets are. Much more stable and no more rattling sounds.

So, those of you that have the Jardine, do you have leaks around the same spot (where the springs are)? How did you deal with it? Do you have the same pops and backfires during deceleration? Can I tune these out?

Thanks in advance for the help!
Yep the Jardine pops and cracks on deceleration with two separate ECM's specifically tuned for my XB9r. I just accept that as characteristic for the beast. Never occurred to me to start sealing the header to the pipe. Who has done this here and why?
Correct and yes it has the correct maps. I downloaded one and re-flashed just to make sure. It made no difference and I verified it flashed correctly. I can try again later tonight or tomorrow. I was going to do some data logging again now that I mostly sealed the leaks. Not too hard, so I might try to seal it again this weekend.

Is it normal for all the air leaks? So far, everyone I have talked with tells me to fix the leaks before I mess with the maps.

My S3T had broken clamp when I got it and had some popping. Once I replaced the clamp and got it to seal, the pops are gone.
It's been fun for sure. I started learning this with my sportster, then S3T now this XB. All of them have had their own unique challenges.

After youtube browsing for sealing the muffler leaks, it seems I may have applied the RTV wrong and caused my own issues. Going back this weekend to try the tips I saw.

For instance, I applied the RTV to the header adapter only and I should have applied some to the inside of the muffler fitting, so all the rtv does not get pushed off the pipe when assembling it. Live and learn. First bike with a muffler held on by springs.

I'll take photo's next time to show what I am doing.

Thanks again guys!