Should I sell It? Advise neded..

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once you get the bike "looking right" and you've gained confidence on it, you can look into a lighter exhaust, K&N air filter and download some race maps into the ecm using that ecmspy cable and your laptop... then youll be putting out about what a stock 12S puts out.. its a real wild ride. No factory dealer support nowadays to speak of so just contact us here if you need anything. Now you CAN take it Harley if anything goes wrong but a lot of HD dealerships aren't that knowledgeable about Buells, so you gotta make sure they know what they are doing with one... that is not actually a "Harley Motor" in there, not many if any of those parts will swap with a Sportster engine, but down worry there is a lot of spare parts out there and you most likely need anything done to it for a long long while in terms of "breakage" XBs are tough and reliable. They just have little "behaviors" due to a air-cooled system.. just stick around and pay attention.. youll get the hang of Buell. .. and get some T-bits... a lot of torque bolts on XBs, youll need a whole set of Allen wrenches too. some of them very big. Plan to do your own work... you can download the shop manual here at the top of the page for free..
you can keep the stickers if you want, its your bike.. most guys take them off. LED is super simple but your going to need the tools .. the wiring just plugs in to the wiring harness like the stock blinkers most of the time.. its a tight fit to reach those nuts on the end of the blinker stalks once they are inside the bike but if you have a complete set of Standard tools youll figure it out.
Buell scene is kind of a elite scene... "Willie G's Bastard Children". Once you got it set up right, everybody is going to be lookin' at you! Buells are a rare sight.. and I don't think many SX's were made compared to the other models.. the rarest is the TT.
now when you take those knuckle guards off , the long mounts will be left behind bc the control levers use them as pivots.. so youre gonna have to replace those with the standard bolts from a S or a R.. its real cheap and easy to swap those...
my rear fender was gone when I got mine. looks like they just unbolted it then took 2 little "L" shaped pieces of metal with 2 holes on each one and bolted that 'L" under the brake light.. then bolted my license plate to the other set of holes on the "L"... looks real easy to do. You may not have to buy much....
I waiting on a few jpobs to pay me but the first thing I think I might do is gear up with some Of Icons stuff,.... light years past what im using now , thanks for those links, im sold. Im taking the bikes to Colorado and Utah in less than 2 weeks and I think ill benefit most from saftey gear right now. (Im still debating weather or not to bring the Buell on this ride or just the cruizers). You were 100 % correct when you said people will be looking, I took the bike into Ocean city last night and in a little over an hour I had 7 different conversations with strangers all asking what it is .
So needless to say , Im not hooked
you CAN tour a little bit on a SX.. the 'X" on the airbox cover lets you mount a tank bag without scratching up the plastic too bad.. tail bags. small backpack or camel pack for drinking.. all that Icon field armor vest even lets you attach the drinking hose from the camel pack if you want to. I run the FOX MX camel pack. also If you wear tall boot you can use the icon knee armor, I use short stunt-style boots so I went with KNOX full knee and shin guards. They got articulated knee joint an shin armor that goes all the way down to the top of a short boot or shoe I went down at around 60 with those and walked away fine.. the knee was ground down..had that been a bare knee it would have taken me down the kneecap bone itself.. I wear all that over my clothes and Im in Florida and its still cool enough. I have found that the best and cheapest shirt to wear under Icon vest is a long sleeved bicycle racing shirt.. it cant flap in the wind and it dries out real quick if you get sweaty or rained on. I chose the black and grey urban camo.. looks badass as hell under that vest and it works like a charm. I wear black BDU style cargo pants under the knee armor.. looks great. lots of pockets and it fits the SX "mission profile" of urban assault .. ha ha
Icon is expensive but it saved me thousands... I repeat THOUSANDS in medical bills and I was up the next day.. I could have gone to work the next day if I had to. GET IT!