(On my way to work) I had just got on my bike, which I had ignorantly parked on the right edge of the drive way. As I was about to pull out of my drive way, my right foot slipped off the edge of the drive way and down I go. The bike mostly fell on the grass and me, except for the very bottom of the swing arm and the sproket. No damage to the frame, mirror (just bent in), headers, or engine . The sproket scrapped the edge of the drive way as the swing arm. Relieved nothing serious happend to the bike I rode off to work inspecting every vibration, noise, handeling just to make sure it was ok. It felt pretty much normal.
Could something bad have happened internally to the engine because of the fall eventhough it did not touch the gound?
Could something bad have happened internally to the engine because of the fall eventhough it did not touch the gound?