So, it's....

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I am spending from the 12th to the 21st loading AK and AR magazines, surrounding my house with sandbags, barbed wire and anti-personnel mines, stock-piling additional ammo, canned goods and marijuana, perfecting my tin-foil helmet... yea... not really... I perfected the tin-foil helmet years ago.

Happy Bday Lesley.
I WANTED to go to bike night, but thanks to Panama City turning into Seattle today that's not happening. Guess I'll stay at the shop stripping rust and painting lol, oh and got covered in Diesel Fuel so check that off my list of fun activities for the day!! Looking forward to watching the new Bourne movie with wifey when I get home :D
The Mayans couldn't even predict their own end, I find it hard to believe that they succeeded in predicting ours'. Nevertheless, it's a good excuse to get drunk. :D
The Mayans didn't want to carve a new calender out of stone every year... so they made one that lasted roughly 7,885 years. If they were still around they would be making 2013-9898 calenders to replace the last one. When my calender ends I buy a new one, not think the world is ending.

I had to file some extensions with the IRS. My final payment date is 12-19-12. I asked if I could extend that till the 22nd so I would not have to pay. The IRS told me not to count on the world ending... but if it did... I would still owe them. WTF?!?!
What do you want to bet they just kept on carving out that calender until their ultimate demise. Now that is what we were left with. Modern humans like having theings to freak out about. Thats why the smart ones drink and/or smoke bud.
What a good way to finish the day off with
Dammit all that prep for nothing? Now how in the hell am I gonna pay for this 50 tons of rice and 50 tons of beans I charged on credit? Not to mention the bomb shelter.
Booze kills more people than smoking, drugs gunshots, trust me and if you need a transplant you better have the funds to put a new wing on a hospital.doctors Hate treating drunks.....