I do tell the techs they were jokers for going to MMI, but they are past the stage of thinking they know it all. They actually have experience now, and I respecet every single one of them. I am just hating on MMI because of all the newbies I deal with coming out of there. And if you actually read my posts, I stated I dont know it all, but I am respected in that dealership for my knowledge. And I have wrenched before, I did it for a couple years, but i got sick of buying tools and busting up my knuckles on other peoples bikes when I can make the same money if not more slinging parts for them, and I can keep all my good tools at home to work on my own stuff. Lastly, I never said anything bad about the aftermarket industry. I have aftermarket stuff on my bike. I was just stating I used factory parts and did it right with my airbox cover. And I see buellxb had to edit your post because you were getting nasty. Dont take it so personal man, we're just debating and having a good two sided convo. Ease up man, its just the internet....