Solenoid removal will not take Charging Recall?

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Jan 10, 2010
So, I got my bike down at the Harley shop, the tech is saying (after talking to techline) that he have to reinstall the solenoid (not the cable necessary, but the electrical plug portion) before he can do the Charging harness recall with reflash on the ecm. The electrical plug from the solenoid must attach at all time, so the resistor is useless. Any comments? [mad]
I think they are full of $hit.. as long as the curciut is complete, ie, plug or even twisting the wires together, there shouldnt be anyproblems. As I see it, the solenoid acts as a rev limiter in 3rd gear and only opens at that time. Just my 2 cents!!
+1 on what bonechip said. Thats the point of the resistor, to complete the circuit. Shouldnt have anything to do with the charging system bulletin. I think they are full of crap. What stealer is it?
the key problem there is HARLEY MECHANIC. if they cant fix a harley during the warrenty period, how will they fix a buell.
past experience makes me say screw the warrenty and do the work myself, it's not worth the hassel, and it gets done right, no bull shi* excuses
I have heard that they use that plug for the harness upgrade... a few members on badweb have said they got there resistor plug back in a bag after the upgrade was done...
I think the noid plug is part of the harness upgrade - so when they do it, there needs be something to plug into the harness where the noid goes. In theory, this could be the resistor instead of a plug going over to the noid - but maybe that makes some dealers squeamish, I don't know. On mine - I had simply removed the cable from the noid to the thottle bodies so it was effectively non-functional, but from the harness perspective it looked like it was still there. Anyway, my dealer put in the harness mod without comment.
Thanks guy. The people at this dealer is nice (I give them that). The bike is done, the noid is back on the bike and the resistor is in a zip lock bag. So much for take the noid out and purchase resistor in the first place. Anyway, has any of you tried to put the resistor back in after the reflash on the ecm under this charging system recall? [confused]
I already had the latest flash and denoid resister in place when my harness was upgraded. I have had no problems so far. The parts guy at the dealership also had the same situation as me when the upgrade was done. He has had no problems to date. Hope this info helps.
No, i do not know for a fact I have the latest flash..but the bike still runs great so its all good to me! ;)
Not doing mine...

As I understand it (put together from things I've read..), they must connect up to the Buell phone line (what ever it's called) to make the new harness installation work properly.

I've made my CR run very well using the OSB program, and I don't need the ECM to be messed with for any reason.

Plus, the charging system currently appears to be working just fine.

I am with you Mike. I have had no issues with the charging system and my CR runs great and dont want those Hardley techs jackin something up.

Plus, its good through Feb 2012. If something does go wrong from now till then, I will get it done at that time.
I agree with you both, with all my past experiences with HD dealers around here. The less they have my bike the better off I am.

I had heard of this problem with the plug but thought it was bs myself. I'm sure their is a reason for it.
I didn't have a problem with my charging system either, but I have heard a few horror stories about it and that's why I went to the HD dealer to get it done. Anyway, the recall is done and that's the end of it. Now let's go for a ride!:D
I'm on the don't fix it band wagon as well... I took mine in one day to have them do the upgrade and they called the next to tell me they needed to keep it longer cause they didn't get time... I told then to forget it and picked her up. Now I'm just going to deal with it if the system fails.
I guess it is fine if you haven't had the charging system try to burn out your stator. My bike died entirely and the harness upgrade wasn't an option. I had previously de-noided my bike, and my dealer is Buell savvy. They left the noid out and plugged the harness in where my resistor was for the de-noid. Not sure what they did with the resistor. I think it is plugged in elsewhere on the bike. No problems in 800+ miles since the upgrade.

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