Some of the best comments received about your buell!!!

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I pulled into a gas station and a guy on a cruiser was like "what is that?" I was like its a Buell and he said it looked like I was riding an alien. I just laughed and walked in to grab a drink and came back out and he was still looking at it so we had a little chat about it. He was like that looks like something that would be in an Aliens movie.
I was on my phone (fully geared) sitting on my bike outside of the bank and the bike was off but the fan was running, a lady parked next to me and got out of her car and said that my bike is the quietest bike shes ever heard (older lady) i told her that was the cooling fan for when the bikes hot and turned off. she said " oh i was going to say...) and kept walking. I got off the bike and went into the bank came back out sat back on the bike( fan still running) checked my phone before heading out and another woman (younger with tattoos) walked by and said "thats the quiestet bike i have ever heard" kinda shocked that i heard that from 2 totally different people all with in 5 mins i told her thanks geared up fired up my bike witch has a d and d on it and roared out.
New one from the other day.

Gas station attendant: What is that thing?

Me: Its a Buell.

Him: It looks like its all engine.

Me: Pretty much.

Him: Crazy how small it is... I bet its fun to ride.

Me in my head: Thats what she said :(
Me out load: Yea.. it handles awesome.
I live in Manhattan and get some odd comments every day. I have been asked if it is a Ducati at least 20 times.

The worst part about the city is that 99% of all "bikes" are actually just Vespas. I hate coming up to a stop light next to a man on a Vespa and he looks over to give me the nod. I always do but I just feel so bad for the guy. Especially considering he probably paid what I did...
I would say the number one thing I get isn't coments but more slack jawed stares at red lights when I pull up next to someone. Bike nights are always a treat in cranberry because it's a yuppie fest with guys who bought $40k choppers they don't know **** about. The best comment I ever got was some douche lord said "******* rice rocket" just as I sat on my 12r. Wouldn't you know it gave me a little hassle firing up so I tweaked the throttle a bit and she came roaring to life. His face turned white and he just stared in disbelief.
Tonight tornado's are expected in my area so I decided to put my bike in my mother-by-law's garage. After a little cruise I meet the wife at her house and wile she was opening the garage door I started messing with her honking the air horn and then I started revving the engine like crazy. She looks over at me, flicks me off then covers her ears. So anyways I pull into the garage and shut her down. I guess there were some kids down the street playing some ball because the came sprinting over and stood in the street looking at my bike. The one kid screams to the other to get over here quick. He is pointing at my bike saying "Look dude it is the one on the right, it sounds like a harley but it isn't I swear it is the one the right, not the left!" The the kid asks me if I swapped engines. IT was a good laugh for me


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