Some of the best comments received about your buell!!!

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new one to me , and I would have never expected.
a guy on a cool bobber stopped & parked besided my Buell(while I was at work at the shop) and started taking pictures of my Buell XB12R Firebolt, and looking at all of it for several minutes. he looked like he was very intrigued & interested in my buell and especially the engine and pipes and muffler oh and he looked at the air cover a few times , probably rereading the words on it BUELL American Motorcyles!
pulled behind a sportster 883 and we stopped at a stop light and he said to me as he looked over my bike " cool bike. is that a 250?" I said to him, "no its bigger than yours, its a 1200" guys shakes his head and drives off
I always get asked if its a 600

mainly from other riders they comment on the tail and how short and clean it is
Had a harley guy walk up to me and my Uly. He says this is a hog right? How does it handle? I say like a dream. How does your harley handle. He says like a water buffalo. Hah;)
A few guys at work today asked how many cc's on my little dirt bike? (2005 xb9sx). I said 1000. They laughed so hard I thought they were gonna piss their pants. So I said sorry, it's really only 983 and I walked away.
They still think I'm kidding.
Most common .....What is that, a KTM or, it's a Buell.......a what.......Buell.....who makes em........nobody now but H-D used to own it........what really how many CCs........1203......are you serious........yes.......that's alot for a little bike like that.........yep........where can you pick em up the classifieds as you can't buy them new..........are they expensive.......not now after the firesale pricing ! Then you start describing ALL the features, fuel in frame , oil in swingarm (XB) , ZTL rotor etc etc. [up]
I had a bunch of teen age kids hanging out there window telling me the bike looks like a transformer [smirk] I dont know if thats a good thing or not
I went to a motor café last saturday. Some teenagers (obviously friends of that dude at the cashier) came in saying to him "We were drooling over that Buell. Damn, that thing is short!"
ya'll know I live in the middle of when I go for a ride its usually an epic adventure that is a minimum 300kms

having said that, yesterday my wife went to 'town' (344km round trip to Williams Lake, pop 11,000) to do our monthly shopping gig and to stock up...

I went for a roadtrip and eventually met up with her in town for lunch.

As we said our good byes there was a guy and his son down the street from us and after I had left and my wife was walking back to her car the guy stops her and starts playing 20 questions and expressing how amazing BamBam sounded and looks, Adele answered all his questions pertaining to what makes a Buell a Buell..

Shortly after that I was at my friends bakery and some young guys in thier tuner car did the Fast & Furious drive by all hanging out the window looking at BamBam parked on the sidewalk outside the bakery...then aboot a minute later they did a U turn and came back this time on the side of the street closer to where BamBam was parked BUT this time they had thier cell phones out taking pics..LOL

Also out where I live there are alot of old timers, they all appreciate BamBam and know everything there is too know aboot Buells even tho they have never seen one in person!
I recently had an old man come up and look at my Lightning, asked if it was reliable, the specs, was amazed at the features,
then he asked,
If Harley Davidson made an airplane would you fly in it?
Makes you think!!
well i get so many on my xb12s it still buts a big smile on my face. my bike is parked inside my shop (i run a car stereo shop) and customers walk semi by it (i keep it blocked off so nothing happens to my girl) all day long. every single one of them says something about my bike and for the most part its positive. i get that random teenager who thinks he knows everything about bikes and he is always faster then anyone else who comes in. but they have no idea what they are talking about till they ride one. i have even sold stereo systems because of my Buell. :)

as far as HD making an Airplane. sure i would fly in it just as long as im able to add oil while im flying it. the flights seem like they would be too long and due to hd leaking/burning oil they may not cut it :) [up] and they are a little heavy so it may not go very far or fast :)
I think I would rather fly in a Triumph airplane with Lucus electrics, you know the kind that has the three position Lucas switch - Dim, Flicker and Off
Off Topic;
If Harley Davidson made an airplane would you fly in it?
funny i remember watching a video once of an experimental airplane that had a harley engine in it. it did sound pretty good doing the fly by. (the video might be on you tube by now )
I always get lots of "that bike looks awesome, I love the blue and white, really unique" comments. Only got the "Where's the exhaust" line once as the guy was looking under the tail looking for it.

Earlier today I picked my bike up from the shop and my wife was following me on the way home. We stopped on post for fuel and when I came back out from paying my wife told me about a half dozen people had walked past the bike, and continued looking over their shoulder as they walked past.

Absolute favorite was when I got home, "Seeing you take off like that on the bike is sexy as hell. Atleast above the bike, because I hate that damn thing and how much money it's cost us." :D
McMurphy, the comment that (i assume) your wife made was funny. it may cost you guys a lot of money, i know mine does and i live alone, but you can never put a price on the smile or the fun and good times we all have on our buells. :)
I came out of a auto zone to find a older gent eye ****** my bike walking around it just staring. So i asked well you like it he said "yeah what is it". a buell i rerplied, to his i know but somethings different. i then explaind the tail swap. turns out he knew a lot about bikes and had even looked into a uly at one point. any way we had a 30 min discusion in a parkin lot about buells.There a conversation starter for sure.
one of the best I've gotten was a harley driver tell his buddy he couldn't hear him over my bike...

Or the time I had a guy on his gsxr tell me one day he is going to get a bike like that, when he can afford it, not knowing he spent more on his bike than me...

I got the headlight thing alot, I just keep the highbeams on 24/7 so i don't have to explain myself, plus Im sure I would of been pulled over eventually by an unknowing cop.

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