Some of the best comments received about your buell!!!

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Took "Shelly" aka Michelle <XB12R> to the dealer Thursday morn for what I thought was a cylinder head gasket but according to their master tech it's the rocker gasket again. Anywho on to the comment As I unloaded her off the trailer there were 5 "Harley" guys outside, started her up and took her into the service bay at Biker Bob's HD they all had what looked like a WTF a crotch rocket that sounds like that look on their face. <Micron Exhaust> pulled her into the bay and one of em comes over <younger guy about 45ish-50> and asks about the bike <Has no Buell markings> told him the spiel we all have had at one time or another. Says "Never knew Harley had a bike like this, I'd ride one." <-- Comment #1 then I commence to tell him how Harley shut em down and how Erik is on his own again for the moment. he says " You know I like my Harley but sometimes Harley can be some stupid fuckers" <-- Comment #2 I had to pick my jaw up off the floor hearing this come from a "Harley" rider decked out in his leather vest and patches and yada yada about that time the service writer called me over he looked at the bike a few more minutes then walked away shaking his head. I turned back to the service writer with a **** eating grin on my face lol
ive been told my bike looks threatening. i tell them "in traffic, i punch people through their windows as i ride by. cant help it, this bike just hates other people". good for laughs.
getting gas at the end of a ride with a buddy, he was on a custom painted CBR, with chrome a nice looking bike. A bunch of kid stop to check his bike out and compliment him, they turn around (i was at the other pump)and 3 at once say "damn check that out" they spend the next 5 minutes pointing and drooling.

FYI - my XB12Ss is completely stock, no mods, no extras.
Got a new one... The other day someone told me they don't like "crotch rockets" but love my bike. He said it looks like a Ninja Assassin.
Had a guy say he thought my bike was very unique looking for a "KIT BIKE", but he couldnt understand why i chopped up a Harley to make it..........
Guy flags me down at a stop light:
Me- I raise my face shield and give him the PEZ nod
Him- "Hey! You have a headlight out"
Me- "It's supposed to be like that, other comes on for high beam"
Him- "No, Speed Trilpes run with both lights on"
Me- Blank stare... close my face shield and drive off shaking my head.
Some guy who just has to tell me how much he knows about motorcycles asks me how I like my Ducati...Normally I just laugh it off but this guy just could not shut up...I wanted to punch him in the vagina...
I had one dude at a gas stop tell me "that thing looks like it hates everyone"
I told him thanks, the bike does too!

I have gotten the Ducati question and the got a headlight out several times. My favorite though is the guy at work that has the best of everything and thinks his **** doesnt stink. He tells me how stupid "rice" rockets are and that he prefers his Sportster. He told me how he likes the sportster because it is smaller amd sportier than the typical cruiser. Then I let him look at it and he tells me that that rice rockets primary looks just like mine with out the chrome. I just laughed and explained it to him that my bike had the same motor as his except mines on steroids. He now waits on me to leave everyday before getting on his. I think he is jealous now.
Last week my new band mates saw my bike (a black '07 XB12S) for the first time.
- Lead singer (who is some 20 years older than me): "It looks exactly what I thought Janne's bike would be". Not sure how I should take that, though :D
- Bass player: "Now, that looks MEAN. Bet it handles superbly with that wheelbase!"
Just had a crew of 5 guys come in and ask me "Dude, is that your Buell out there? How much was it? That's bad ass!". Love it. Mind you, it's parked next to my coworker's 50th Anniversary Sportster with all the chrome.
Got back from 2600 km trip to Lapland. Some comments heard during the trip:

An old grey-beard in a small gas station in the middle of nowhere: "Oh... it has a belt drive..."

A fellow club member: "Wow, that thing looks like it's from Star Wars!"

Another club member: "How long that belt would last?" Me: "As long as it breaks..." :D
After work yesterday, I was riding home. Noticed a SUV "eye balling" me from where he was stopped at a stop sign. He turned an followed me up the road and turned into my neighborhood.

Not knowing who this person was and I felt that I was being followed, I went pass my house and made a few right turns. This person was still behind me. Since I live in a neighborhood full of police officers (state and county), I pulled into one of my friends drive way who is a state patrolman.

He pulls up and starts asking me a ton of questions about the bike - heard the exhaust and didn't know what it was. Told him it was a Buell. Asked who makes that and so on... Spent a few minutes educating him. Thanks me and off he went.

Lots of people rubber necking to see it from their cars. Caught people taking photos of it in the parking lot.

Even my wife loves it. When I first bought it, it was parked in the drive way while I was mowing the lawn. Happen to look at the bike and noticed that she was on it. She never tried to set on any other one of my bikes.

So, I turned off the mower and asked if she wanted to take it out for a spin. She said no, but lets go for a ride :)
it looks like its going 100 mph just sitting there.that dosnt look like other sport bikes.what the hell is that,
"Wow, nice BMW, I hear those are nice bikes" (some guy at fleet farm)

Thanks, but it's a Buell.
Is that a Ninja?
Head light out.
I go to bike night with my buddys(97% harleys there)Lots of people take pictures,Some people will stop and talk.
My xb12,and xb9r turn more heads,and get more comments,then my buddies get.Their bikes are at least $15,000 more then mine.
The best one I have got so far I was out at a buddies house shooting clay pigeons. His old man comes home with one of his old cronies. When I went to leave I got the usual "what is that?" Explained what it was blah blah blah as I started it up to leave his buddy came out and when backing out I could hear him ask "what is that it sounds bad a$$!" :D
"I' trade you" from a guy on a 08gsxer

"That IS the ****** sweetest bike that I've ever seen,What is it"(me) "It's a buell xb 12s"(him)"What size is it like a 600 or something"(ME) "nope it's 1203" (him) "what the **** It's all engine,That thing must go like a bat outta hell"(me) "Yes it does"(him) "I want one......Do you want to sell it"(me) "hahahahahahhah NO ****** WAY this IS the best bike that I've EVER owned"(Him) I have to find one of those(pulls out a pen and paper)what is it again?"
Just after I got my FMF exhaust installed on the 1125
I was at a stop light (night time) and these bangers pulled up in an escalade. The driver had his window down and poked about half his body out of the window and was like "DUUUUUUUUUDDDDE!!!! What kind of bike is that??? how many CC's??? That's fucken bad ass esse! revv it up bro!"

My girlfriend, who was on the back at the time, told me that everyone's heads were turning when I passed them and their eyes got big.

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