Some of the best comments received about your buell!!!

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About my stock exhaust. . .
him:" you need a pipe in there, that sound is a disgrace to harley"
Me:"harley is a disgrace to themselves"
Me"YOU HAVE BUELL BETWEEN YOURS!" ( he ride's a v-rod)
The day I picked up my bike, I stopped for fuel and had a short conversation with a Harley rider.

When he commented that my Buell was "not his cup of tea", I knew that I had made the right choice. :)
the engine may have begun its poor little (fat) life as a harley, but thank the motorcycle Gods for
ERIK BUELL, he adopted & saved this engine(& many like it) & now it's all grown up & full of Pure High Performance BUELL Muscle !!!!

thats my view on the engine's originals and what it is now!
BuellChick got this one the other day, an old man who stood there for atleast 2 minutes just staring at her bike, We were at Arby's eating lunch oh how it made the meal so great, we couldnt stop laughing as the old man took such a long time to well do anything. God bless him he was also a WWII vet according to his license plate.

my buddy repairs bikes on the side and has a WWII german sidecar thingy sitting in his garage right now. (like the one in the Indiana Jones movie) it's pretty bad ass, has rifle mount for the driver and a machine gun mount for the sidecar, as well as the extra fuel and water jugs. it tops out at an amazing 55mph downhill but it's fun as hell!
Stranger: How many CC's is your bike?
Me: 1,203 CC's
Stranger: Wow are you serious? thats the smallest 1,200 I ever seen!!
Me: [confused]
Had a guy at the red light look at me and scream that sure is a small bike... I looked at him and said... WHAT? as he began to repeat I pulled a Harley and rev'd followed by re-screaming WHAT? He tried to say it one more time only to realize I was purposely downing him out
xtreme.. that picture of the old man checkin out that bike is awesome!! i've only had mine about a month and still smile when my friends see me pull up on my bolt, jaws dropped. or the kids glued to windows of cars i pass.
True story Xtreme, i had jsut read and saw you picture while bored in my english class and when iw alked out there was an elderly man hovering over my bike, I pulled a Keano and said "Woah, DeJavu" All the sudden Smiths were all around me and I had to make a hasty get away on my Lightning jumping from tractor trailers to school busses... ok so that last part was fabricated.
"sweet bike"
"is that a custom bike, who makes it?"
"I like the all black look"
"that looks like fun"
"man that cool is it the new Ducati?"

and it seems every time I park it in a public setting people and other rider (who ride up to see it closer) eye hump the hell out of it.
I was pulled over by a couple of State Troopers on BMW's and sat there for about 10-15 min. just answering questions about my bike. They told me they pulled me over because they were arguing about how many cc's it was and the closest they guessed was 650; their jaws dropped when I told them it was a 1203. They were actually really cool guys.
I was topping off w/premium when a farmer and his son were heading in to the station for their morning cup of coffee. The old man was eyeing my XB9SX and says to his boy, " I bet that gets you to work in a hurry!"

Simply priceless...:D:D:D
Sunday morning I was cleaning the bike. My dog was laying down catching some sun when this older man was walking by. He stop and stood there for like a minute before saying anything. I finally said good morning. He says its a wonderful morning for walk. I was looking at your bike and I have to say that is one evil bitch. Of course I started to laugh because this statement came from this older guy (I say older, because he was in his 60's and I'm turning 40 next month). Then he goes on to say, most dogs look like their owners, I didn't think they looked like motorcycles. I have a Pit. He ask if he bites and I said the bike is a good girl. He had a good laugh and talk for about an hour.
Last week when at my local watering hole some guy walks up and says, "is that a ducati?" No its a Buell.. then he followed with "Thats a badass looking bike..It looks like it wants to kick someones ass!!"

Also got, "That looks like the devils bike" from some teens passing by
Best compliment was the look I got from two younger guys at Conoco station. I'm 55 and just getting used to my SS.

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