Some of the best comments received about your buell!!!

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I haven't had the pleasure of riding my 12R yet (just bought it at the beginning of February)

So, this is a story from riding my 600RR but I'm sure it will happen a lot more often when I start riding the Buell. I was coming home from school one night cruising down the interstate at 80 mph and these two girls in a car were hauling ass to catch up with me. They got up next to me with their tongues hanging out giggling and smiling. We were coming up to the I80 split from I680 and they were going to take east and I was going west so I dropped back just a bit and and they are both looking back and just going crazy. I'm just cracking up and right before the split I dropped the hammer and flew past them. I love the girls getting all wet over my bikes.

I'm anxious to see what kind of weird remarks/looks I get from the Buell.[cool] I've only seen 1 or 2 Buells out around here. I know there are some around here but you never see them.

i hope thats a joke. although im really not all that surprised. its not that hard to build a bike out of dennis kirk with an unlimited budget.

No joke. At a local gas station, him filling a can for his little boat, me on the other side filling my 'bolt. I had to tell him twice - I still don't think he got it. Totally Buell ignorant.
It does not surprise me that one of those yahoos has no Idea what a buell is(which is a good thing so they don't go turning them in to choppers)
Rode my Uly to the hardware store, saw some kid damn near snap his neck looking for whatever was making that sound. Of course he made a B-line to check it out. (Dying for a 12Scg!)
bought my XB12Ss this pst June and have heard the Ducati comment 3 or 4 times, actually had a Police Officer stop me coming out of my kids school and talk to me for about 20 minutes with questions, asked me how fast it was and i said "don't know, want to race?" i'm not so sure he appreciated that.
I've gotten the Ducati thing too.

I've pulled up behind Harley riders in traffic, and gotten the double-take in the mirrors. They hear the idle, and see something else in the rearview mirror. They always look confused.
no comment story but had a guy on a gsxr pull up at a red light (little behind me next lane over) then I hear him revving repeatedly real high. I hit it one time (LOUD!) he stopped revving, refused to look at me and moved over to the turn lane?????? I guess my 12R wasn't what he thought it was?
My friend has a 600 Ninja, I let him ride my 2006 XB9Sx. After he says " How the hell do you go so fast on that thing, I can't see the front wheel?"
I actually got followed into the Gander Mountain parking lot (picking up my XD-45) by 2 guys in a slammed out Escalade. The driver ask me what kind of bike it was. Then he said he had never seen a bike that was that quiet( stock exhaust ). Well that did it, started the mod bug. The next week I had my Drummer, and have been scaring little children ever since.
Gotta love the cop pulling me over and asking me if he can sit on it.. Sure buddy, if it gets me out of a ticket [up]

All the gas station fill up comments..
-Hey man, your head light is out.

-Wtf is that thing

-Looks like something the devil would ride. Ive gotten that a few times :D

-Checking my oil at a fill up and some dude asked me why I had a dip stick in my swing arm, told him I was checking my canuter valve oil level. He responds, "oh thats a wierd spot for it"
I was followed a few miles by a guy to the Library I work at. As I was getting off he rolled down his window and asked if it was a Lightning I was stoked someone new what is was. Said he always loved the look of the bike. So i encouraged him to buy one since now is a a time for good deals
Definately got the ducati comment, definately got the what is that comment, and also had a crotch rocket rev on me too, rev'd back and he backed off scared. Got to love these bikes.

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