Sort sound clip of the Bub dual exhaust

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There's that Harley Lineage. Damn that sound Great.
Always wanted to put BUB's on My S3.
Looks Like I'll have to start looking for them again
Thanks for the Audio
that was freaking awsome[smirk]
as soon as you hit the throttle i got a huge grin on my face haha...iam definatly getting a hypercharger sometime too
Thanks! of all times, my video camera ran out of memory just when I was doing the video. I will redo with the camera behind for some revs and maybe a drive-by if I can get my son to run the camera!
Just saw your post. Never mind my question on the other thread.
Could you give a bit more info about the Bub, where to get, how much? Thx.
I'm not sure they still make them or not. They were on it when I bought it. They sound great!