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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
I don't get on here and do this, but this one really got under my skin for some reason.

People like this give the rest of us a bad rep.

On my way to O'Reily's in my truck when I see a guy (no gear whatsoever, just sunglasses) on a white Kawondazuki come up to the road from a parking lot and pull on to the road behind me.
There are two lanes going west and two lanes going east, I'm in the left lane on the westbound side, speed limit is 35, put my left turn signal on and see him show up in my drivers side mirror, I start to make my turn across the two eastbound lanes and he cuts on the inside of my turn. He more or less rode the opposite direction in two lanes while making a straight line to the parking lot I was turning into. I tap the brakes and locked the tires and then he, already in the parking lot, locks his rear and slides while he wiggles around basically mocking me.
Once in the parking lot, on the other side of the building is a local police officer sitting in his Tahoe. Really wish he had been on the other side of the building.
Anyway, if I was a different person I probably would have confronted the guy on the bike but I decided it was best to not answer a fool according to his folly.

I'm sure we've all got our share of stories of people being stupid while we ourselves are riding or are in a vehicle. Like I said, this just really bugged me for some reason.
These people piss me off!

Had a guy do a wheelie next to me a few weeks ago. I was so close to just turning hard into him to knock him over...
Had a guy do a wheelie next to me a few weeks ago.  I was so close to just turning hard into him to knock him over...

What an effing DOUCHE BAG....
me or him? lol

It really pisses me off when people do **** like that on a crowded road, through an intersection, etc. Even moreso when I'm on my bike.
Was out the other day, sitting at a red light. Two lanes in either direction, I'm in the right side of the right lane, there's a car in the left lane. I see a douchenozzle on a HD custom chopper type thing coming up behind me, and coming fast. He was about 50 yards behind me when the light turned green, I had just started to take off when this ******** went screaming between me and the car in the left lane doing about 40mph.

God I hate people that drive like ********. I hate people that drive like ******** on their motorcycle even more.

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