I'll try to make this as short as I can, recently bought a used 09 1125cr, the bike has about 3300miles on it, thought the stock pipe was a little weak in the sound department so put on a Drummer with the EBR ECM with Drummer map and K&N, for the few rides I had it was a beast!
The bike then died on me so took it to the HD dealer as its still under warranty, they told me it was the stator, ordered one which took a couple of weeks then installed it and the new stator burnt out within five minutes?? When trouble shooting they discovered the EBR ECM, which they belive to be to problem? As its not an original part.. Now they want me to pay for the parts and put back the stock ecm, with the holidays its going to take a month to get the parts, but my main concern is could this all be down to the EBR ECM or could it be somthing else like wrong instalation, maybe catching a wire and shorting??
All views and opinons appreciated.
The bike then died on me so took it to the HD dealer as its still under warranty, they told me it was the stator, ordered one which took a couple of weeks then installed it and the new stator burnt out within five minutes?? When trouble shooting they discovered the EBR ECM, which they belive to be to problem? As its not an original part.. Now they want me to pay for the parts and put back the stock ecm, with the holidays its going to take a month to get the parts, but my main concern is could this all be down to the EBR ECM or could it be somthing else like wrong instalation, maybe catching a wire and shorting??
All views and opinons appreciated.